Q and A


Do I continue ARVs after my pregnancy?

Hi guys. I am hiv + and 37 weeks pregnant. I am so scared as I don’t know what to expect. I am currently taking aspen lamzid (AZT/3TC) and Aluvia (lopinavir/r), will I be required to continue with the medication after my baby is born?

My cd4 is 480 and I only started taking medication after I found out that I was pregnant.

The med was giving me diarhea in the beginning, will this affect my baby or will the med do the same to my infant? Please help as am worried.



Great news about your pregnancy – and great that you were diagnosed in time to start treatment. The ARVs will dramaticially reduce the risk of your baby catching HIV.

All treatment is individualised. Whether ot not you continue treatment after the pregnancy will depend on many things.

This includes your CD4 count when you started treatment, how you feel about continuing treatment, and sometimes on the guidelines for the country where you live.

Diarrhoea is a common side effects of the Aluvia and other meds but will not affect the health of your baby.

Good luck for the rest of your pregnancy. See also this guide about HIV, women’s health and pregnancy.


  1. Robin Jakob


    At the moment there is no cure for HIV. Because of this you’ll have to keep taking treatment. IF you are having problems with your treatment it is important to speak to your clinic. Together you can see if you can deal with those. Although you don’t necessarily have to take meds anymore for your babies health (unless you are still breastfeeding) the medication is good for your health. It is keeping your HIV under control.

  2. prisca

    I’m HIV positive. I found out when I’m 4 weeks pregnant. I’m on treatment. My baby is 1 year 8 months and is negative. Will i be able to stop treatment some day?

  3. Simon Collins


    Please talk to your doctor about these problems with your meds.

    Sometimes it is possible to use an alternative treatment.

  4. Xoliswa

    I’m 37 yrs old my CD4 is 660, my viral load is less than 40 and I’m on second line (lamzid 1 & Aluvia 2) both 2 times a day. Its difficult to swallow aluvia its big and u have to swallow 2 at the same time. Can I change it to FDC?

  5. Robin Jakob

    Hi Sisanda,
    Because you viral load is low already it is unlikely that missing one dose will negatively affect your chances on having an undetectable viral load when you give birth. It is really important to be adherent from now on though. Adherence means taking your pill every day and at the same time.

  6. sisanda


    I am 37 weeks pregnant and HIV+ positive. I discovered this when when I was 6weeks and started on treatment immediately, my CD4 was 434. Last week at 36 weeks my results for viral load were less than 40. Yesterday i forgot to take my pill(FDC) will that affect my unborn baby?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Nolundi

    Sorry for the delay in answering.

    The second doctor is giving you good advice. ARVs are safe to use during pregnancy. They dramatically reduce the chance of your baby catching HIV.

    The guide to HIV and pregnancy contains more information:

  8. nolundi

    Hi, I’m 30 weeks pregnant and hiv+ my cd4 is 955 and my gp said I don’t need to take ARVs but my gyna gave me antiroviral agents and alluvia just want another opinion before I continue with the medication,

  9. brunny

    I was diagnosed with HIV 4 years ago and I recently found out that I was 4 months pregnant and am on tenofovir, lamivudine and efavirenz. Will this combination harm my unborn baby?

  10. Simon Collins

    Hi Brunny

    All these HIV meds are widely used in the UK, including during pregnancy.

    Being on treatment will protect your baby by reducing the risk of HIV.


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