Q and A


Do I continue ARVs after my pregnancy?

Hi guys. I am hiv + and 37 weeks pregnant. I am so scared as I don’t know what to expect. I am currently taking aspen lamzid (AZT/3TC) and Aluvia (lopinavir/r), will I be required to continue with the medication after my baby is born?

My cd4 is 480 and I only started taking medication after I found out that I was pregnant.

The med was giving me diarhea in the beginning, will this affect my baby or will the med do the same to my infant? Please help as am worried.



Great news about your pregnancy – and great that you were diagnosed in time to start treatment. The ARVs will dramaticially reduce the risk of your baby catching HIV.

All treatment is individualised. Whether ot not you continue treatment after the pregnancy will depend on many things.

This includes your CD4 count when you started treatment, how you feel about continuing treatment, and sometimes on the guidelines for the country where you live.

Diarrhoea is a common side effects of the Aluvia and other meds but will not affect the health of your baby.

Good luck for the rest of your pregnancy. See also this guide about HIV, women’s health and pregnancy.


  1. ANGEL

    Hi Simon
    I trust you are well i see you have not read my last post however all is good and i did as you said,to eat then take the pills on an empty tummy it seems to be working and i’m well rested no bad dreams.Thanks and will keep you posted on any new changes.

  2. ANGEL

    Hi Simon
    I knew it there is a way to manage these bad dreams its taking the meds on an empty tummy unlike how we all know you have to eat then take meds. I going to try this as of tomorrow then let you know how that goes.I hate to be a cry baby but i also know what i have is a silent killer so i will ask as may questions so long as you can help please allow me to ask.As for the rash all gone nothing a littel Savlon and epimax could not help with.Thanks and i am still on my second week of Atripla so im sure this stuff will get better. I also saw the link it was helpfull. My next App with my Dr. is Monday the 7th I will also ask him more just to put myself at ease.
    Take care Angel

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Angel, these side effects vary so much for different people. Sometimes they are gone within a week, sometimes they continue at low levels that are manageable. For some people they are either too difficult or never really stop that it is better to use a different medicine. Your doctor is likely to want you to continue in case they are manageable. If they are too difficult though, it is important just to change. If you still have problems after 2-4 weeks, then changing might be better. See question 3 at this link for other tips:

  4. ANGEL

    Hello Simon
    I trust you are well but have to ask,the nightmares have started they come and go and i have not really figuerd out what causes them to come and go and that rash on my arms.All this is side effects so i take it this will go away the rash that is and the nightmares as well but otherwise i’m all good.This is just a passing phase right? Once the meds are well in my system ill be okay isn’t. Please tell me good news. Take care and i await your reply. Angel.

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Angel – thanks – great it went well – thanks for sharing your experience – pls keep in touch :)

  6. angel

    Hi Simon
    Thanks so much and i got through last night and no nightmare and am not tired.I’m going to keep on it and trust all goes well. There is so much life in me right now i just wish everyone could get tested and know your status.
    I’ll keep popping in with more up dates about my status.

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Angel – most people get some side effects at first but within a few days or weeks this gets much easier. If it doesn’t, you can change. You can’t predict this beforehand – you just have to try – and most people do okay :)
    This link has more detail:

  8. angel

    Hi Simon
    I just finish read up on it it sounds safe and manageable my one concern is the nightmares and been tired from not enough sleep.Will this be in the begining only or an on going thing. I love my beauty sleep and am such an active person i cant deal with been tiered all the time.
    Regards Angel.

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Angel – thanks for letting me know. Atripla is one of the most widely used combinations. More information is at the Atripla link on this page:
    Please read up on this and let me know how everything goes.

  10. angel

    Hi Simon

    Trust you are well. My Dr. is back and would like to put me on Atripla. Im not sure if you know it. Im so excited please let me know if you heard of it.


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