Q and A


What is the maximum number of pills I might need when I start treatment?


What a weird question! Why not ask about the minimum number, which is what most people what to know :)

The minimum number is as little a one or two (depending on which part of the world you live). Atripla contains efavirenz + FTC + tenofovir and is one pill once-daily. In the USA, you can start with this combination. In Europe, you need to start with separate drugs and switch to the single pill after your viral load is suppressed to below 50 copies/mL.

Other combinations use as little as 2, 3, 4 or 5 pills a day, again depending on the combination.

These are also the most effective combinations.

Generic combinations include Triomune (nevirapine + d4T + 3TC) which involve one pill, twice-daily. Although d4T is still widely use in resource-limited settings, it is rarely used in western countries becasue of higher incidence of side effects.

In theory, you could use combinations with much higher numbers of pills using older drugs and formulations, but these are not as good at fighting HIV, and there is no reason to do this.


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