Q and A


Which countries that do not allow HIV positive people to visit?

Can you please name a few countries who do not allow hiv +ve people? What about Saudi Arabia ?


Further information on the legislation of the different countries is published at the following link:

It is important to recognise that what countries have on paper is impossible to enforce in practice. Even when countries say that HIV is a bar to entry, and even if they maintain the right to test you, this very rarely happens unless they have a reason to think you are HIV positive.

Even with restrictive policies, for short trips, some HIV positive people still travel for holidays and business. The main complication comes if your meds are found by border control or immigration.

For this reason some people decide not to travel to countries that show this discrimination.

This Q&A was updated in 2021 from a post in May 2008.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lamzesik,

    Your status won’t be an issue when applying for a work visa for the UK, this includes Scotland.

  2. Lamzesik

    Hello there,
    I am US citizen and HIV positive, wanted to work in Scotland.
    Please advise if there will be an issue to obtain employment visa or permit

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zoe,

    Info about travel and work restrictions for positive people can be found here: http://www.hivtravel.org/default.aspx

  4. Zoe

    Can I get a work permit to Vietnam and Taiwan if I’m HIV positive?

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Prisi,

    We are based in the UK and the i-Base resource is about treatment information for HIV. So unfortunately we don’t know about the area of asylum seeking.

    However the HIV Travel website says that in Canada under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (“IRPA”) foreign nationals are inadmissible as permanent immigrants to Canada if their health condition might reasonably be expected to cause an “excessive demand” on health or social services.

    But you can find out more at this link to HIV Travel.

  6. Prisi

    Can a HIV person seek asylum in Canada?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Kay,

    Yes, anyone who is resident in the UK can have access to free treatment for HIV.

  8. Kay

    Are dependents who are hiv positive allowed on ARVs in UK?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Elrico,

    Info about moving to New Zealand when positive can be found here: http://www.hivtravel.org/Default.aspx?PageId=143&CountryId=133 You may also wish to contact the New Zealnd embassy.

  10. Elrico

    I am hiv teacher .Will i be accepted in New Zealand to work.


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