Q and A


Which countries that do not allow HIV positive people to visit?

Can you please name a few countries who do not allow hiv +ve people? What about Saudi Arabia ?


Further information on the legislation of the different countries is published at the following link:

It is important to recognise that what countries have on paper is impossible to enforce in practice. Even when countries say that HIV is a bar to entry, and even if they maintain the right to test you, this very rarely happens unless they have a reason to think you are HIV positive.

Even with restrictive policies, for short trips, some HIV positive people still travel for holidays and business. The main complication comes if your meds are found by border control or immigration.

For this reason some people decide not to travel to countries that show this discrimination.

This Q&A was updated in 2021 from a post in May 2008.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Essy,

    If you want to apply for a visa to work in the UK your status won’t be an issue. Yes you can bring ARVs in the UK. However once you’re here as long as you have an address you’ll be able to access ARVs here and for free.

  2. Essy

    Can one apply home care job to uk if HIV+ and can one travel with arvs

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Owen,

    Please see this Taiwan page from HIV Travel. A number of health checks are performed when applying for a resident certificate.

  4. Owen


    I would like to work in taiwan, is there any restrictions working there?


  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Hyu,

    Most countries won’t have an issue with your status, however some do. To know which countries are OK to travel to and to study in, please see here: https://www.hivtravel.org/

  6. Hyu

    If you have HIV positive can you study abroad?? Can anyone help me to know?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Thando,

    Being HIV positive shouldn’t stop people getting a job on a cruise ship. However, it probably could depend on where the cruise ship company is registered, and where it’s going to dock. Some large cruise ships have doctors, nurses and pharmacies, see here. But it looks like you’d need to pay for medication on board. Can you ask the company for their advice? Perhaps you could do this anonymously first.

  8. Thando

    Hi I currently got offered a receptionist post on a norwagian cruise like I’d like to take the opportunity but I’m Living with HIV, I believe I’m healthy and taking care of my self will this be a problem for me?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi RJ,

    I’m really sorry, but people who are positive aren’t allowed into Jordan, please see here: http://www.hivtravel.org/Default.aspx?PageId=143&CountryId=95 On the plus side, it’s OK to go to Egypt, http://www.hivtravel.org/Default.aspx?PageId=143&CountryId=62

  10. RJ

    Planning to travel to Jordan and egypt via a group tour… i will be bringing my meds for 14 days as a tourist… would i be barred entry and be deported?


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