
I am HIV positive, can I be a pilot?

I am sorry if this question seems silly or directed at the wrong people but I didn’t know who else to ask. I am HIV+ and on medication and I want to be able to learn to fly. I have read that having HIV means you will fail the medical required to get a Private Pilot License.

I have had a look on the Civil Aviation Authority website but I can’t seem to find a definite answer as to whether this is the case. Also, there is mention of new European Aviation regulations coming in but wasn’t sure how this would affect the medical?

Thank you and apologies if this question is out of place.


I rang up the Civil Aviation Authority this afternoon and they said it will not affect you as a private pilot.

Link to this message is information from the CAA website

If you get to the website, go to home, and click on safety regulation, under safety regulation, you will click on medical, and under that you will click on document download. Finally under document download, click on other, and scroll to the end and you will find HIV Guidelines.

I wish you the best of Luck in your endevour.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Morgan,

    You being positive shouldn’t be a problem if you want to be a pilot. However, this may depend on where you live. Which country do you live in?

  2. morgan

    I’m really interested in becoming a pilot. But my question is, do I qualify if I am HIV+?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Vusimuzi

    This is a service for questions about HIV treatment. I am sorry that I don;t have the answers to your questions about jobs and careers.

    However, HIV positive people are generally able to do most of the jobs that HIV negative people can do, so it is worth asking your questions to the colleges and training courses that provide training for pilots.

  4. vusimuzi

    i ones been on a airplane and that made me discover my career there. i notice how there pilot captain is when its comes to job. Am from South africa and i have found my career on becaming a pilot, but there are few things that i dont know and i need to know.
    1: would i be a pilot in another country besides South africa ?
    2: am HIV positive , would i qualify ?
    3:Do i need to apply for a pilot license in my home country or whre i wil be going for my careeer ?
    4: where can i get a scholarship for pilot to study abroad.?

    i hope my questions will be answered


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