Q and A


How can I get pregnant when I am HIV positive?

Can you please give me information on the right procedure in getting pregnant when you are HIV positive?


Thank you for your question.

There are different options as regards getting pregnant when you are HIV positive.

The options take into consideration whether your partner is also HIV positive or whether they are HIV negative.

As you have not indicated this in your email, I am sending you our general guide on HIV, pregnancy and women’s health. The guide includes detailed information on the various options available. Please follow this link to this guide to HIV and pregnancy for more information.

Best wishes


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi dk,

    I appreciate that you are having a difficult time. It might help to know that because you are on medication the risk of you transmitting HIV are close to zero. Please see the following link to the PARTNER study@


    With regards to telling your partner, I really can’t advice you on this. Disclosure is different from person to person. If you know any other people who are living with HIV, maybe you could ask them. Joining a support group may also help.

    As for children, being HIV positive should not be a barrier. Lots of women who are HIV positive have children. And children who are negative.

    If you need anything else, please do contact us.

  2. dk

    M hiv positive just stated treatment my cd4 ws 19 when i start treatment in jun this year. I don’t know my patner’s status, I’m scrared to tell him my status and we always have uprotected sex. My partner had another baby outside our relationship and that mother never mentioned anything about being positive. We have beeng together since 2010 . I’m preventing with ARv and now I want to fall pregnant what should i do?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Esther, please talk to your doctor about this. So long as your CD4 count is good (above 200 and ideally about 350) then you can become pregnant the same as someone who is HIV negative. This might mean starting HIV treatment if you are not already taking meds.

  4. Esther

    what do I to be pregnant when I’m HIV positive? I

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Oza, please talk to your doctor about this – and also see question 6 at this link:

  6. oza

    I want a baby

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Kgaugelo, this is good news. Please talk to your doctor for support. Also please see question 6 at this link for more info:

  8. kgaugelo

    Hi I’m hiv positive even my partner he’s positive so we trying for a baby can u help plz

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Desiree, HIV does not affect how you become pregnant. If you are planning to become pregnant please talk to your doctor to get information to help. Treatment doesn’t afftect pregnancy. It is often a good idea to be taking treatment so that your CD4 count is stronger.

  10. Desiree

    how can I fall pregnant while drinking my arv pills


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