Q and A


How long can I live if I’m taking HIV treatment (ART)?

Can HIV kill when you have an undetectable viral load? I’m doing well on medication and how long can i live to the cure? Lastly, why cant I stop thinking about my HIV status – first thing in the morning and also just before I fall asleep?

Polio have been eradicated but why cant scientists do the same for HIV?


The quick answer is that with modern HIV drugs (called ART) your life expectancy is likely to be similar to if you were HIV negative. The earlier someone is diagnosed and start ART, the quicker any damage from HIV can be reversed.

For most people, HIV is easy to treat and easy to manage.  ART can give you a normal life expectancy and an excellent quality of life.

Hw long anyone will live depends on things you can change (smoking, exercise, medication) and thing you can’t (genetics and luck).  A study in Denmark (2005) estimated that the survival is more than 35 years for a young person diagnosed with HIV infection and another study in Canada (2003) report that in the US, life expectancy at age 20 years was an additional 58.3 years.

As long as your CD4 count stays above 200 cells/mm3, the risk of most HIV complications is pretty low. At higher CD4 levels – above 350, or 500, or 700 – the risk becomes lower still. Although some health problems are slightly higher in HIV positive people compared to HIV negative people, these risks are also often reduced by ART.

If you continue to take your medication as prescribed and do not miss or taking doses late, then the risk of HIV health problems in the future s very low. However, just as HIV negative people become ill, lifestyle changes to reduce these risks are important if you are HIV positive. For example, keeping mentally and physically active, eating a balanced diet, resting well, not smoking etc).

Having HIV might not always be easy though. The shock of being diagnosed sometimes takes a long time to come to terms with and at the moment you are still working on this. Already, I am sure you feel better than when you were first diagnosed and this will continue to become easier every year.

Most people worry about the impact of HIV on their life.  This could bewhy you think about your HIV status on a daily basis.  If this continues to be difficult perhaps get in touch with a local support group or ask about counselling. Talking about your HIV status can help you to deal with it and also through group support you can share experiences and also learn from one another.  You do not have to deal with it in isolation.

Finally, you asked about research into a cure. HIV is very complex in a way that is different to polio. Although currently there is no vaccine or cure, there is a lot of ongoing research.

HIV treatment is one of the successes of modern medicine. The breadth and expertise in scientific advances has not only developed 30 medications in five drug classes but this research has contributed to many other areas of medicine.

Even though curing HIV is difficult, there are lots of reasons to be optimistic.

This question was updated in January 2018 from an original answer posted in November 2011. (See: Question 10 at this link for more information).


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sandra, Is your partner taking HIV treatment? Being undetectable means that HIV can’t be transmitted. But what is your partner’s viral load? Under 50 is considered undetectable, but in the Partner study they used under 200 for the viral load.

  2. Sandra

    I’m a 42 year old my partner is hiv positive … but is detectable I’m a little scare I’m not using protection should I use condoms ??

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Solange,

    What ARVs are you taking?

    There’s info here about what’s the best options for women who are positive:


  4. Solange

    Hi I’m 23 years old,just started ART treatment and I have also been on oral contraceptives for two years now,is it advisable for me to take it off because I don’t know if it’s healthy for someone taking ART at the same time on contraceptive.

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi, It’s great that you’ve started treatment. But I’m sorry you’re feeling depressed. It could be a side effect of your treatment. Can you speak to your doctor about it? There could be better drugs for you to take. Are you still living in Mauritius or have you moved home? Please let us know and we’ll try find contacts.

  6. unknown_

    Hi, i am a 33 years old male from Mauritius who has just started ART treatment. I am on efarirenz and truvada. A little complicated with side effects. I don’t know any support group here for HIV and i am dealing with it all alone. need some help from people here coz i am feeling depressed.

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Debra, PRO 140 is a new drug that is still in trial at the moment. It will probably be a once-weekly injection with potential to maintain viral suppression for a long time after stopping ART. Also, it is hoped to be of use with ART against multiclass resistance. It’s great that you’re taking ART and living a normal and healthy life.

  8. Debra

    How soon will the PRO 140 be available and what will be the cost? When I was diagnosed I immediately called my daughter and told her I’am taking my ART and living a normal and healthy life – is like I don’t even have HIV.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi John,

    The latest info we have about pro 140 can be found here:

    Lalezari J et al. PRO140 single-agent maintenance therapy for HIV-1 Infection: a 2-year update. CROI 2017, 13-16 February, Seattle. Poster abstract 437.
    http://www.croiconference.org/sessions/pro140-single-agent-maintenance-therapy-hiv-1-infection-2-year-update (abstract and poster)
    http://www.croiwebcasts.org/p/2017croi/croi33640 (webcast)

    I suspect we’ll still need to wait at least another 3-5 years before it comes onto the market. This will of course only happen if its sucessful.

  10. John

    Curious about the pro140 injection. When it is coming in the normal market? What will be the cost and what phase is it in?


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