Q and A


Why is the CD4 count different in everyone?


The CD4 count is different because everyone has a slightly different immune system. The range for an HIV-negative person can be anything form 500 to 1600 cells/mm3, but some people are outside even this range. There are difficulties with the sensitivity of the CD4 test too, so that you could test the same sample twice and may get slightly different results. Also so that if you took several blood samples at different times of the day, you will get different results. With CD4 count you really think of it as an approximate test and look for any changes in the trend.

(Adapted from a question from the i-Base Q&A pages of the African Eye a new treatment publication for African communities affected by HIV who are living in the UK)


  1. Svilen Konov

    Sorry to hear that. The CD4 count of your cousin indicate that the virus has seriously damaged his immune system and he has problems fighting off infections. Nevertheless, if he starts ARV therapy soon, then he has a good chance to recover and have a healthy long-term life. There are many documented cases when people started treatment with a way lower CD4 count and are currently healthy, have jobs and have a normal life.

  2. Lakshmi

    My cousin just went into the hosptial because he


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