Q and A


How long can someone live with HIV?

How long can a man live with HIV if he was around 18 years old and was healthy when he was infected, both with and without medication?


Modern HIV drugs mean that life expectancy is now similar for HIV positive people to the general population.

This is based on being diagnosed early and having access to treatment.

The wide range of factors related to life expectancy include: where you live, your income, access to health care, lifestyle (alcohol, drugs, tobacco, exercise and diet) and other infections like hepatitis, genetics and chance – good or bad luck.

Several large studies have been published showing that life expectancy for HIV positive people is very good, and near to an HIV negative person.

Without treatment, HIV will slowly progress in nearly everyone. This speed that HIV progresses varies from a few years to more than 20 years.

Note: this answer was updated in January 2018 from a question posted in August 2008..


  1. Clarai

    I just found out that my CD4 count is 481, but i am planing to abstain 4 few years. How will that affect my CD4 count.

  2. Simon Collins

    It is relatively easy for a couple to have children if they are both HIV positive. The main thing to monitor is that the woman’s HIV viral load is undetectable during the pregnancy and especially during labour. This will reduce the chance of the baby having HIV to less than 1%.

    Please speak to your doctor about this and if your doctor is not helpful, talk to an HIV association or a new doctor. Lots of couple become pregnant without involving their doctor without planning this, but it is better for your doctor to support you.

    The i-Base guide to HIV and pregnancy includes lots more information including a section on getting pregnant when you are both HIV positive.

  3. n

    i and my husband both are hiv+ planning to hiv children. is it possible that the baby also get infected pz help me out from this problem i m very much worried.

  4. Simon Collins


    Although finding out you are positive is difficult, it is better to find out while you are still well. This is because treatment is better to start before you get ill and treatment is effective at keep you well and healthy for many years.

    Your test centre should now test for your CD4 count and perhaps your viral load.

    It is good to contact an HIV organisation that is local so you can meet other people who have gone through this. It may also help to read about HIV and treatment so you understand more about your choices in the future – but only do this if it feels right for you at the moment.\

    Perhaps start with the first few sections and links in the introduction to combination therapy.

    See also this section about just being diagnosed.

    Although it may not feel like this now, life will get easier again.

  5. Clarai

    I have tested hiv+ last week and now I am waiting for my cd4 count results. I am not feeling any pains in my body and there are no signs of sickness in my body. I dont know what the results will be and I am worried.

  6. Simon Collins

    Your CD4 count is not affected by how often you have sex.

    If it fine to have sex without worrying about this.

    It is important that you continue to use condoms to protects your partner.

  7. hari

    thank u sir
    she known i am HIV positive,now i am using condoms only
    i asking to u sir cd4 count loss participating daily sex

    thank u sir
    your giving valuable suggestions

  8. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Hari,

    Having sex with your wife will not affect your CD4 count. But if she does not have HIV she could be infected if you do not use condoms. Does she know you are HIV positive?

    You can not improve you CD4 count through diet. The only way to improve your CD4 count is with ARVs.

  9. hari

    thank u sir,
    any cd4 count loss participating sex with my wife how to improve cd4 count through diet with out ARV pl kindly tell me last question

  10. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Hari,

    Your test results show that homeopathic treatment does not work to treat HIV. You need to go to a medical doctor to get ARV treatment.


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