Q and A


Do phytomed herbal products work against HIV?


I have just found out that I am positive and my boyfriend was seeing someone behind my back. I then asked him to go for a test his CD4 was way less than 290 and he refuses to take medication. He wants to use phytomed herbs.

Please advise if that works.


I am sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. Have you got any support around dealing with the diagnosis? You may find it useful to speak with other people living with HIV. Some of the people you might meet at support groups, will have been through similar circumstances to yours. Many  people find it helpful to share experiences and coping strategies.

On your question about whether phytomed (herbal products), work to treat HIV. The simple answer is no. There is no evidence that ANY herbal products can treat HIV. There are a lot of scams that take advantage of people by pretending that they do.

ARVs are the only treatments proven to consistently and reliably control HIV and improve your CD4 count. In order for the treatment to work it needs to be taken correctly and as advised.

Most country treatment guidelines, including South Africa, recommend starting treatment at any CD4 count. At 290 you count is still petty good, but is it is a good time to start finding out about treatment. Given time, most people change their mind. Perhaps this is  part of his way of coping, but he could be risking his health.

This Introduction to combination therapy might be good for both of you to read. This includes information about the important aspects of treatment such as why and when it is important to start.

A really good organisation you could contact when you feel ready to talk or to find out more information is TAC [The Treatment Action Campaign] based in South Africa.

Note: This answer was updated in July 2016 from an orginal question in January 2012. This was to reflect changes in treatment guidelines.


  1. masebabatsomokete

    Thanks for bringing this to light. I am on ARV treatment, and I sell Phythomed so sometimes you are advised to taste it.

  2. Simon Collins

    please see this answer:

  3. vuyiswa

    My friend leaving with H.I.V is that a problem if is using phytomed?

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Phytomeds don’t work against HIV. They might interact with your HIV meds, and this could stop the ARVs working properly. You should talk to your doctor about all meds that you take along with your ARVs, even if they are vitamin supplements.

  5. chris

    Can I use phytomed if I am taking ARVs?

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi, This service is for questions about information for HIV treatment. We are not doctors. It is very important that your sister’s cancer is treated by qualified doctors. Her doctors need to know if she’s taking phytomeds because these could interact with her cancer treatment. Is she HIV positive too? Phytomeds can also interact with her HIV treatment, and they might stop the treatment working.

  7. chris

    I would like to know if phytomed can help someone who is having wounds? in fact my sister is having intestine cancer she’s got a hole in the stomach and every month she must go to the clinic for cleaning the wound. Will this medicine help that wound?

  8. Choene

    I went to so many chemist, looking for Phytomed, Khoisan Products, i can’t find it, please advise me where in Pretoria, Gauteng Province, i can find it.

  9. Robin Jakob

    Phytomeds will not work against your HIV and they may affect the way your medication works. It is important to check with your doctor, clinic or pharmacy.

  10. vuyiswa

    I would like to know if can I use a phytomed herbal if i’m taking ARV.


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