Q and A


Is it normal to feel hot at night when taking Atripla?

I have been taking Atripla for 5 months but still get very hot at night on occassion.

Is this normal?


Feeling hot at night as a symptom on its own may not be a side effect of Atripla. Are you experiencing other symptoms? People taking Atripla [which contains three drugs, efavirenz, tenofovir and FTC] usually experience other side effects including sleep disturbances, mood changes and anxiety. For most people these are mild and generally become easier to manage over time.

If, however, you are experiencing these side effects and find that it is affecting your quality of life, an option is to switch to another drug. Switching should be relatively easy. Your doctor will be able to advise you accordingly.

For more information on managing side effects, please follow this link to our guide on HIV and your quality of life.

Best wishes.


  1. Justine

    Hi there.
    I also start feeling hot sometimes but it doesn’t last very long. Some of the others on this forum seem to be getting more severe “heat waves” than I do but I generally feel cold so that’s how I’ve noticed the hot flush. That’s what it feels like. Maybe this is more common and people just assume it’s a natural effect so they don’t say anything. The first few weeks are hectic with the drowsiness and other symptoms but they all fade except the hot flushes. That’s always how I know it’s now fully absorbed. I don’t mind the hot flush because it only happens a few hours after I’ve taken it which is why I’ve started taking it earlier so it’s not bad at bedtime.

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Justine, thank you for sharing. Now that you’ve been taking it earlier in the day are you managing better? What you’ve said is encouraging for people to hear, about how it begins hectic and calms down. Eating and taking Atripla can affect how it is absorbed. It’s best taken on an empty stomach, or not with a high fat meal. This avoids worsening the side effects and makes sure it is properly absorbed.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bristles,

    Have you just started ARVs?

  4. Bristles

    Why does my body temperature rise at night after taking my atroiza pill

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Charmain,

    If you’re taking Atripla and you’ve only been on it for a week or two, then yes this could be a side effect. If this continues please let your doctor know.

  6. Charmain

    I am new on this meds and pregnant as well , but then after taking my pill in in hour time I feel too hunch heat even from my head. Is it normal?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bryan,

    You shouldn’t be feeling like when you’re taking your meds. Please talk to a doctor about the possibility of changing.

  8. Bryan S

    I’ve been taking atripla for almost 11 years. It makes me feel like I’m hot from the inside as it kicks in and also when I attempt to sleep. As if I can feel it in my blood. I hope this is helpful. Maybe it’s time for me to switch as well.

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nikie,

    As Angelina says on this Q&A, you doctor should advise you on these fevers.

    But what ARVs are you taking and how is it going? And do you have access to your viral load and CD4 results? Please let us know.

  10. Nikie

    What should i have to eat that can stop to feel hot in my body while i am taking ARVs


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