Q and A


Should I continue taking septrin if my CD4 count has risen to above 200?

How long can a person take Septrin?

Is it ok to continue taking it even if CD4 levels have risen (from below 10 to 270)?


It is really good news that your CD4 count has risen to 270 cells from such a low count.

Septrin is prescribed as prophylaxis against PCP [a type of pneumonia] when someone has a CD4 count of below 200 cells, and against toxoplasmosis (a type of brain infection) someone is at risk of developing with a CD4 count of less than 100 cells.

In the UK, once a person’s CD4 count increases to above 100 cells when on treatment, then they can stop Septrin. That is, unless they have previously had PCP.

For someone who has previously had PCP, it is recommended to continue until the CD4 count is above 200 cells/mm3. This is based on EACS guidelines (v11.1, October 2022).

In some African countries, Septrin is recommended until the CD4 count is over 350 (and sometimes until over 500). This is because the background risk of infections can vary in different countries.

In countries with high risk of malaria or severe bacterial infections, prophylaxis should continue, irrespective of CD4 count on ART. There are also different recommendations for children and in other specific circumstances. (WHO consolidated guidelines, 2021)

In terms of safety, if your doctor has recommended that you continue taking the septrin, then this is very safe to do so.

This pot was updated in January 2023 from a question frost answered in January 2012. 


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mponda,

    If you can wait until your CD4 is above 350 that would be better. However, this is something that you should discuss with your doctor.

  2. Mponda

    ii recently had my CD4 checked and it was at 315, I have been on ART for 9 months can I discontinue taking septrin?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Maxwell,

    Seprtrine isn’t an ARV. Its an antibiotic that is used to treat bacterial infections. Its also given to people who have a CD4 of less than 350. Unless you have a health issue that means you need septrine, you don’t need to use it. This is because your CD4 is above 350. In fact, you’re doing really well.

  4. Maxwell

    I’ve been on ARVs for about 2years. My CD4 has risen from 340 to 670. At my last visit I wasn’t given any septrine. I’m worried about taking my ARVs without the septrine.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sadam,

    The only way to know if you are positive or not is to test.

  6. Sadam

    My girlfriend has tested HIV positive, but I am negative. I love her and I don’t want to leave her. One day I felt like I had been exposed to HIV, what should I do?

  7. Lisa Thorley
  8. Hastings

    I missed my ARVs twice in a month, could that lead to problems?

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Jenny, if you miss HIV meds often you can get drug resistance. Missing once is likely to be okay. The risk of not taking Septrin depends on your CD4 count. Please call your doctor to get more meds/

  10. jenny

    i missed my drug for two days, what is d consequences and i have not taken my septrin for more than two weeks what is d consequences. it is bcos it finished


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