Q and A


What are the chances of my baby being positive?

I had an HIV test when I was about to deliver. And got the results that I was + when I was booked for C-section. I was given one tablet of naviran before going for the operation. And I was told my baby will be given an injection as well after delivery.

My main question is what are the chances that my baby is negative or positive? He is six months old and growing well with no signs of sickness and am not breastfeeding. I will take him for a test when he is 18 months old. At what stage can a baby become infected during pregancy?


Even thoug single dose nevirapine (neviran) is not used as a prophylaxis in the UK, it has proved to be protective in several studies. Having said that, it may be problematic for the mother, as some women may develop resistance to the NNRTI class of medications as a result of that dose. This may make their following treatment more difficult, because in some countries the availability of different ARVs is quite limited. I believe it won’t be so in your case.

As for the baby, it is quite probable that he is HIV-negative, but testing him after a year is really important. There


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