Q and A


Do my results mean that I'll have AIDS quicker?

I always liked your site always looking for your answers!!. Me-Latino 48 years old diagnosed last summer 2007.
I am getting concerns with my results, especially my CD4 count First test CD4 356, then the following pattern 450, 535, 420 and today 364. My viral load started in the 7,000 went down to 5,000, up to 12,000 and today’s results back into the 7,000. CD% started at 32% then 29% 27% and now back to 30%. My real concern is my CD4 count. Does that mean that I am going to get AIDS sooner? Any words of wisdom? Generaly good health except a lymohadenopathy condition on my neck area for quite a while.


Your results look perfectly all right to me. There isn’t any trend in going down.

The CD4 count can fluctuate substantially


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