Q and A


I am taking PEP, can I have uprotected sex?

I’ve been taking lamzid for 5 days now and I want to find out how this will
affect my pregnant partner when we have unprotected sex?

I am taking lamzid because I slept with someone without a condom and I felt
very unsafe so I went to the doctor within 72 hours and he prescribed lamzid for me.

My pregnant partner is only 7weeks pregnant will this harm our baby?


There is no data on whether PEP can harm the unborn baby. However, unprotected sex whilst you are taking PEP is not recommended. This is because you don’t know your status and you could infect your partner. That is why it is important to wait until you finish the course and have done the follow-up confirmatory test.

For more information on PEP and the risks of sexual transmission, please follow this link to our guide.

Best wishes


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nick, an at home test is likely to be a third generation antibody test. These are not conclusive until at least 3 months after finishing PEP.

    While you are on PEP you are unaware of your status. However while on PEP, any HIV in your body is being suppressed. This makes it difficult and very unlikely to transmit HIV. In this case your wife would not be considered to have had a high risk exposure. She is likely to be safe.

    To check, you can both take a 4th generation test in 6 weeks. These are accurate earlier than at home testing. They can usually be accessed from local health clinics.

  2. Nick

    I had sex after finishing pep on day 29 that’s when I had sex codomless with my wife is she safe? , after testing using home test kit and results was negative on That day 29

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Bwalya, have you had a test yet?

  4. Bwalya

    I have finished my pep but am feeling uncomfortable I have itching and fever
    What could it mean, I had condomless sex I was on the bottom

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sam, while you are on PEP you cannot be sure of your status. It is not recommended to have unprotected sex while you are on PEP.

    It is safe to have sex with your wife if you use a condom or if your wife is on PrEP: https://i-base.info/guides/prep

  6. Sam

    I’m on pep for 10th day now and my wife keeps on insisting I have sex with her. She’s wondering why I’m avoiding it. What should I do or can I have it

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Rae, by safe do you mean using a condom? or your partner being on PrEP? If this is the case it is safe for you to have sex.

  8. Rae

    I am currently taking PEP right now (16th day). Can I have sex with someone as long as we do it safe?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Auwal, while you are on PEP you are not sure of your status. Having unprotected sex will risk you passing HIV to someone else. PEP will act as PrEP for yourself.

    Having sex using a condom or your partner being on PrEP will be safe.

  10. Auwal

    Iam on pep for almost 20days pls can I continue having sex unprotected or to wait till medication completed


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