Q and A


Am I really negaive?

My husband was diognised HIV+ February this year and he died in April this year. His CD4 count was 145 and he was very weak. I was breastfeeding by then and my son and myself are HIV- and I have tested in my pregnancy, after birth and as I was breastfeeding I was testing each and every 3 months.

My worry now is, I am scared that maybe the infection is hiding somewhere and maybe in years time will appear. He had never had any symptoms that I may recall of but why so soon and why his CD4 count was that low?

Right now I need somebody to tell me that I am OK and that I am negative, because I keep on testing and testing, but my heart tells me something else. I need your help.


Sorry to hear about your husband. Unfortunately, sometimes the infection develops really quickly, while in other cases, people can have no symptoms of any kind for many years without knowing that they are HIV-positive.

As for your case, yes, you are negative. If the tests say so, then you are negative! Just drop your worries and concentrate on your life and son. You are negative!