Q and A


How much does the treatment cost?

I am having symptoms that are getting me worried that I must have been infected with HIV. The last time I did test was two years ago. I am planing to do test and if positive start treatment, but am worried about the cost. Is there an indication how much the cost of the HIV treatment will be?


The citizens of the UK, EU, as well as other citizens who live in the UK legally and are entitled to NHS service receive their treatment free of charge. If you are not in that category, then you may decide to attend a private clinic where you will need to pay for your medications.

The prices of all medications used in the UK are available from the British National Formulary site: www.bnf.org

Perhaps, you should not worry now though, as you do not know whether you are HIV-positive at all, and only a test can show that, not a gut feeling…


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