Q and A


Why does my CD4 count drops?

Why does CD4 count drops?


There are many reasons why your CD4 count can drop.

If you have any kind of infection such as cold, flu or fever then it can cause your CD4 to drop.

If someone is infected by immune deficiency illness such as cancer or HIV, this can also reduces their CD4 count.   If not treated, their CD4 count can drop to a very low level and they can develop other opportunistic illnesses (OIs).

HIV medication works by stopping the virus from replicating itself and therefore preventing the virus from further damaging the immune system.  When your viral load has been reduce to undetectable level (less than 50 copies) then your CD4 count will go up, but not to the level before infection.

For more information on the same subject, please look at the link below.


  1. Keamo

    Hi I’m Kea. March 2019 I did an Elisa test and it came positive, my cd4 count is 722. They started me on on ART but when I do a rapid test it always comes negative even after doing Elisa test, I’m confused please help

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Robert,

    Do you know what your viral load is?

  3. Robert

    I am an HIV positive patient. In October, 2017 I was diagnosed and my CD4 was 411. And in May, 2018 my CD4 dropped to 376. And in January, 2019 my CD4 dropped dramtically to 257. I am very, very worried why this is happening though I am on adherence to full treatment.

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sylva,
    This doesn’t sound as though you should be worrying. In fact your treatment looks like it’s working well.
    A CD4 count of 511 is fine. It’s within the normal range for someone who is HIV negative. This is anywhere between 460 and 1600. This is an average. Anywhere in this range is good.

    A viral load of 0 (undetectable) is great.

  5. Sylva

    At diagnosis my viral load was 1200 and cd4 485. My CD4 became 725 and viral load less that 20 copies 6months after treatment. but in the past one year my CD4 has declined from 725 to 511. my viral load is 0(undetectible). it initially dropped to 650 then to 565 and now 511. it worries me, please what could be the cause?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lethabo,

    Yes its very possible that the drop was due to you having the flu, so please try not to worry about this.
    Your HIV is under control because your viral load is undetectable, this is fantastic news.

  7. Lethabo

    I have been on treatment for the past 6 months…my cd 4 count was 485 in November 2017 and viral load was 9600..now I got tested in June 2018 .my viral load is undetected but my cd4 count dropped to 469..I had flu by the time I went for tests.could that be the reason for a drop in cd4 counts?

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Penny,

    Starting ART can help viral load get to undetectable levels. And that can help the CD4 count recover.

    I’m not clear about your question. But the START study showed that there are benefits to starting ART at any CD4 count. ART can reduce serious illnesses that also are common in people who do not have HIV. They may be related to HIV, but the link is not so clear. These serious illnesses include heart disease.
    You can read more on the START Q&A here.

  9. Penny

    Why do we find cd4 count dropping in patient with cardiovascular incidence

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zinhle,

    Please see Q’s 1 and 8 here:



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