Q and A


What is an undetectable viral load?

What is an undetectable viral load? I had thought it was less than 50 but when I got my results today mine was 42 (down from 82 last time). Can labs measure almost any level of virus these days?


An undetectable viral load means that the level of HIV in your blood is below the threshold needed for detection by this test.

A viral load test is a measurement of the amount of HIV in your body.  The measurement is given in the number of copies in milliliter (copies/mL).

If you are on treatment, then your viral load should go down to undetectable level (less than 50 copies/mL).  Once your viral load goes down, then slowly your CD4 count will increase, although not to the level before infection.

Since your viral load has reduced from 82 to 42, this is a good indication that your treatment is working for you.  It is also possible for your viral load can go down further too.

Viral load technology has progressed during the last 30 years of HIV history.  The tests have been greatly improved and tests used for research are even more sensitive – down to 5 or even 1 copy/mL.

All hospitals in the UK now routinely use viral load tests that measure down to 20, 40 or 50 copies/mL.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ntombi,

    Yes, it’s fine, you are still uninfectious. A viral load test under 50 is undetectable. So there’s no reason for you and your partner to be stressed if you don’t use condoms. Please see Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U).

  2. Ntombi

    Hi been having a lesser than detectable viral load for the past 3 year and now just had recent which is 34 does that mean am I still uninfectious does it mean mean my meds is no longer working I’m so stressed cos my partner is neg and we not using protection

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mpoetsi,

    I’m sorry but I don’t know what the Cuba’s number mean. However, if your viral load is undetectable then your HIV is under control.

    With regards to access to treatment in Cuba this is something that you will need to talk to your doctor about. Are there HIV support groups in Cuba? They may be able to help you with regards to access to treatment.

  4. Mpoetsi

    Hi my cd4 count is 682 and the hiv viral load is lower than detectable limit input volume 0.200ml methodology Cuba’s 6800/8800 HIV 1test so what is that mean?

    And I have been on treatment since 2015 till now so they tell me next year on February is the last month for treatment so what will happen after that?

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Anonymous,

    That’s fine. Undetectable = Untransmittable even without using condoms. Please see here for more info.

  6. Anonymous

    Hi my viral load is lower than undetectable below 50 copies we were having sex with my partner who is negative the condom burst.can he be positive too??

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Chan.

    When someone has a viral load this means that they are positive. Are you on medication?

  8. Chan

    My Viral count 54 copies/mL is it HIV negative or not?

    Is it good?

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Larry,
    Yes, 38 is good. Any viral load result under 50 copies/mL is called undetectable. And that means your HIV meds are working well.

  10. larry

    My viral load is 38 is that good


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