Q and A


What is an undetectable viral load?

What is an undetectable viral load? I had thought it was less than 50 but when I got my results today mine was 42 (down from 82 last time). Can labs measure almost any level of virus these days?


An undetectable viral load means that the level of HIV in your blood is below the threshold needed for detection by this test.

A viral load test is a measurement of the amount of HIV in your body.  The measurement is given in the number of copies in milliliter (copies/mL).

If you are on treatment, then your viral load should go down to undetectable level (less than 50 copies/mL).  Once your viral load goes down, then slowly your CD4 count will increase, although not to the level before infection.

Since your viral load has reduced from 82 to 42, this is a good indication that your treatment is working for you.  It is also possible for your viral load can go down further too.

Viral load technology has progressed during the last 30 years of HIV history.  The tests have been greatly improved and tests used for research are even more sensitive – down to 5 or even 1 copy/mL.

All hospitals in the UK now routinely use viral load tests that measure down to 20, 40 or 50 copies/mL.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Reuben,

    Taking HIV meds can get your viral load to undetectable. But this usually happens quicker than a recovery in your CD4 count. So, yes you can be undetectable with a CD4 of 190.

  2. Reuben

    Is it possible for someone to have a CD4 of 190 but the viral load is in the in detectable level?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Stephen,

    Yes, adherence is important when you start ARVs. So your doctor should explain clearly how you need to take them. For examle, whether you need to take them with food. Or even if it’s better to take them at bed time.

    Taking ARVs in the right way can help to get viral load undetectable quickly. But people are individuals, so they may take different times to get to undetectable. Repeating the viral load test sooner after starting treatment can make sure the meds are working.

    Here’s more info about adherence from the i-Base guide to ART

  4. Stephen Ekai Rukwale

    adhernce and counselling should be done then on arvs for three month after three month repeat viral to be done.

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Alex, as long as your viral load is undetectable and you don;t miss you meds, your wife is very unlikely to catch HIV, even if you don’t use a condom. See:

  6. Alex

    Have undetected viral load my wife is negative but we had unprotected sex will it affects her?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zuki,

    Your friend will need to start ARVs. The ARVs will help her to control her HIV. In time her CD4 count will rise. Ideally her viral load will become undetectable within 3 months. She may also need some emotional support. If she doesn’t know much about HIV, reading about it may help. We’ve a lot of info on our site.

  8. Zuki

    Someone very close to me has just been diagnosed, her viral load is more that 2 000 000 copies and CD4 count is 137. what can be done to assist her

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Cebile,

    Please see the above post, and the following link:


  10. Cebile

    My result came as “lower than detectable limit. Is it good or bad, And what does it means as for my sexual means n health wise.


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