Q and A


Does this mean that I am developing AIDS?

I tested HIV-positive in July 2007. So far my numbers have been pretty good. I haven’t had any complications, except having many enlarged lymph nodes in my neck, that won’t go back down.

I am getting ready to have one removed (the one that has been there the longest), and sent to a pathologist. But I am worried.

Why are they swelling like this? Is this normal? I am not on any meds. At my last visit my viral load was 1,456, and my CD4 was 412. Does this mean I am developing AIDS?


No, it does not mean that you are developing AIDS. Although not common, other people have this kind of problem and it may not be serious.

I would suggest you wait for the result that the pathologist will provide you with and take it from there. The analysis of the tissue from the biopsy is important and it will give you and your doctor an idea of what to do from here.

If everything is OK, you may decide to start treatment a bit earlier than recommended and this may reduce the lymph nodes.


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