Q and A


Can I relax now?

My question is:
I had an exposure, and then in 12 hours I had started PEP with Combivir and Kaletra for a 28 days course. Then I get tested for p24 antigen at day 7 (that was negative), and when finished PEP I got tested with a 4th generation ELISA test that was negative. I took all the pills on time and with no delays, and had no more exposures. So, I would like to know if can rest a little more, because I’am extremelly anxious.
Thank you,


Hi Peter,

The first reason to try and be less worried it that the risk of catching HIv from any one exposure is very low.

Even if your partner is HIV positive, the average risk from unprotected penetrative sex may be less than one in 300 to one in 1000. The actual risk depends on many factors, but HIV is still difficult to catch from one exposure.

After taking PEP however, you need to wait before taking an HIV test. This means that 28 days after finishing PEP a 4th generation HIV test will detect 95% of infections. By 3 months after finishing PEP a negative result is interpreted as conclusive.