Q and A


Could it be herpes?

Hi Guys,
I am just wondering …recently I had a rash, so I went to the local HIV clinic to be seen by a specialist.
What seems very strange is that the rash was on the side of one of my buttocks. I haven’t been sexually active in a few months which I told the specialist.
He said I had shingles and prescribed Valtrex and told me not to worry because anybody can get shingles. It did clear up in a few days and the tingling pains went away.
I am wondering could it have been herpes? I’ve been HIV+ for almost 2 years. CD4s are 385 and I am not on meds .


The medical term for shingles is herpes zoster. So, it is herpes. The same virus causes chickenpox.

After an individual has had chickenpox, the virus lives in the nervous system and is never fully cleared from the body. Under certain circumstances like emotional stress, immune dificiency, chemotherapy, etc. the virus can reactivate causing shingles. Still the exact reason for reactivation is not clearly defined.

The herpes virus that causes shingles is different from the herpes virus that causes genital herpes and herpes mouth sores. Valacyclovir (Valtrex) is a common medication used in a case like this and as you say it has worked OK. That is a great news.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Michl,

    Though shingles is common in people who have very low CD4 counts, if your HIV is under control, then having an outbreak of shingles won’t have anything to do with your status. You could simply be stressed and run down. For example, I’ve never had shingles, however a few months ago I had it. It’s got nothing to do with my status, as my CD4 is fine and my viral load is undetectable.

  2. Michl

    Hi. I’ve been undetected for 10 months now and I take my meds religiously but I noticed I’ve come down with Shingles this morning. How is this possible? My caregiver do not seem to have convincing answers so far.


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