Q and A


How risky is an abortion if I am positive?

I am HIV positive and pregnant.

I am thinking of having an abortion, how risky is it?


I hope you don’t mind if I start off by asking you if there is a particular reason why you want to have an abortion, also known as TOP (termination of pregnancy). Is it because you are worried that the baby may be born positive? If that is the main reason why, then it might be useful for you to know that with access to and correct use of ARVs (anti retroviral treatment for HIV), care and support, many women living with HIV continue to have healthy HIV negative babies.

It may be, however, that you already have the information above and this is a decision you have chosen to go ahead with. In which case, if the abortion is carried out using the right procedures, in a hospital and with the right treatment and care, then it should not carry any more risks than it would for an HIV negative woman.

Finally, having a termination and having a baby when you are HIV positive are your decisions and your right. As you are based in South Africa, you may find it helpful to read TAC’s (Treatment Action Campaign) guide to Pregnancy in our lives. Section 1.45 has more information on the principles affecting decisions about TOP.

Best wishes


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nana,

    Because you’re pregnant its important that you take meds. Though this may worry you its important that you take them as they will help prevent transmitting HIV to your child.

    When you were last on meds, did you have any problems? If you did then you should ask your doctor if its possible to use something else.

    And yes, its now recommended that everyone is on ARVs and this is even for people like you who have a high CD4 count.

  2. Nana

    I have been Hiv positive since 2009 when I had my baby gal n I went on medication and stopped after she was born ,My Cd4 has been good I think cos now it is 1090 n never taken medication but now since things that everyone who is positive should be on treatment I never done that now am one month pregnant and so scared of the medication especially side effects I want to know how many do I have to take now considering that am pregnant.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Maria,

    Please go and see a doctor as soon as possible. If you wish to terminate your pregnancy they should be able to help you. Though this will depend on where you live.

  4. maria

    hi im HIV+ n 2months preg at the same time, my boyfrnd denied the bby so i want to terminate asap ive already drank stametta, coke&disprin but nothing happened plz help me

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Likhona,

    I’m not in a position to tell you what to do with regards to your baby. It is important however that your boyfriend tests. This is because there is a possibility that he may be positive.

  6. Likhona

    My name is likhona,last year 3february was my 21year, I went to clinic for blood test and they find out that I’m positive and my CD4 Count was 450,I couldn’t believe since I know I went on November and I was negative, till now I haven’t take ARVis and im now pregnant and my boyfriend wants the child and my self I want to do abortion for the second time,my boyfriend doesn’t know I’m positive and I don’t know his status.help me plz give me advice

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Posh,

    The World Health Organisation’s recommendations are, that even if you have a high CD4 count you should be on medication. Therefore, even if you weren’t pregnant, its advised that you take ARVs. Is this something that you would be interested in? If it is then there would be no need for you to start meds and then stop them again.

    I can’t comment on your thinking about a termination. However, if you choose to keep the baby you will need to be on meds. Once the pregnancy is over there’s no reason why you would need to stop.

    When you were pregnant before, what meds were you given?

  8. Posh

    Hi iam HIV positive I found out when I was pregnant with my second child ,my CD4 count was high so I took arvs while pregnant and then was told I had to stop after I gave birth by the doctor,I gave birth to a healthy boy his now 3years and HIV negative am now pregnant again and thinking of termination because don’t want to be on and off treatment am worried when the right time comes I will be resistant please advice I still have a high CD 4 count worried about taking medication then stopping after birth.

  9. Roy Trevelion

    If the abortion is carried out with the right procedures, in a hospital and with the right treatment and care, then it should not carry any more risks than it would for an HIV negative woman.

    Having a termination of pregnancy when you’re HIV positive is your decision and your right. Do you have support for this? If you live in South Africa getting in touch with Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) might be supportive for you.

    The link to TAC is here:

  10. Asiphe

    I want to have an abortion because I’ve fallen in love with a married man and I know his wife. I want to know if is it’s safe for me to do so because I’m on ARVs?


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