Q and A


Where can I find studies on reasons for CD4 count changes?

In lots of questions here you talk about the variation in CD4 count and that they change during the day and can be affected by diet and excercise. What are the studies that show this so I can read a bit more about this.

Thanks for great site BTW.


Thank you for your question.

A number of studies have looked at this question  and confirm that CD4 counts are not accurate fixed results. They fluctuate throughout the day for example lower readings in the morning and higher later in the day etc. If you were to have a test every week, they would probably change even more. For example, your CD4 count is generally 50 cells higher in the morning compared to at night, and can be affected in a similar superficial way by diet and excercise and other infections.

Below, please find a couple of studies looking at this question.


  1. Chris W

    It should be remembered that only approx 2% of HIV is circulating in the blood stream, with the rest being located in the lymphatic tissues and other resting sites.

    CD4 cell results are a simple surrogate marker which over time provides the trend that tends to determine treatment decisions.

    Fluctuations of 50 cells between tests are not significant, and it is sometimes better to refer to the CD4% result as this tends to be less volatile.


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