Q and A


General advice about my boyfriend in Viet Nam?

My partner is HIV+ve and has Hep B since 2001. He is not on any therapy treatment since his CD4 count was high on his last check up.
He is now in Vietnam on an extended holiday. He has recently had what he describes as lumps growing on one side of his neck/head, which are somewhat irritating (like pins and needles).
He has been to a private doctor there who said that this is a symptom of liver function and has prescribed some antibiotics and paracetamol (he is allergic to aspirin). This has reduced the swellings and the pain. As you can appreciate the treatment available in Vietnam is somewhat limited and expensive.
I am joining him in Vietnam next week and wondered if you could give any further general advice?
If necessay, he will fly back to London to consult with his HIV doctor at St Thomas’ Hospital.


It is difficult to say


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