Q and A


Can I be positive yet I haven't slept with a positive person?

What test can you take if you are already on viracept and combivir? I believe I am not HIV positive. When Iwas pregnant the doctor told me I was HIV positive but did not sleep with anyone who is HIV positive so how can I have got it?


I hope you don’t mind if I start off by asking how old you are. This is because, although it is unusual to survive into adulthood without having any symptoms, it is possible you could have been born with HIV. This could be one explanation as to why you tested HIV positive even though you have not had unprotected sex with a positive person.

Unfortunately, as you have already tested HIV positive during pregnancy, it is unlikely that you will test negative even if you did another test. Your doctor would not have started you on ARVs (antiretroviral treatment for HIV) unless they were certain that you were HIV positive.

Best wishes.