Q and A


I am pregnant, can I take Tribuss?

I am currently pregnant (third trimester) and taking Tribuss (efavirenz+FTC+tenofovir).

Could it affect my unborn baby?

I have only been taking it for a week and I am vomiting.


Firstly,  congratulations on your pregnancy.

I hope you don’t mind if I start off by asking why you started treatment only a week ago. Is it because you were recently diagnosed?

Your first question was whether the medication you are taking will affect your unborn baby. Tribuss  contains the drugs efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir.  It is a combination that is now used by many HIV positive pregnant women worldwide. In the past, women wishing to conceive were advised not to use efavirenz, or to switch if they found out they were pregnant whilst taking it.

However, over the past few years, this advice has now changed. Here in the UK, the current UK guidelines for the management of HIV in pregnancy recommend that efavirenz can continue to be used by women considering pregnancy. They also recommend that efavirenz can be used by women diagnosed HIV positive during pregnancy.

There are many reports of women throughout the world who have continued taking efavirenz during pregnancy.

You mention that you are vomiting. Vomiting is not a side effect commonly associated with Tribuss. It could, therefore, be due to any number of reasons, including morning sickness. This is a  condition that affects more than half of all pregnant women. Symptoms include vomiting. Although for many women symptoms settle down earlier on in pregnancy.

However, as with any symptoms, the best way to confirm what is causing the vomiting, is to contact your doctor. S/he will be able to confirm the best way to treat you.

In the meantime, you may find it helpful to read our guide to HIV, pregnancy and women’s health. The guide lists some tips which can help with nausea and vomiting. It also answers a lot of general questions you may have around HIV and pregnancy.

Best wishes.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Grace, congratulations on your pregnancy. Reydin is now recommended to be used in pregnancy/breastfeeding. Previously it thought there was some risk of it causing problems in pregnancy however this has now been shown to not be true.

    Have you recently switched from Atroiza?

  2. Grace

    Good day,I see Positive comments on using Reydin while pregnant when u responded to one asked question.but I see Google saying Reydin should not be used when pregnant or breastfeeding.. I’m now deeply confused.

    I’m currently on my third trimester expecting twins.was recently using Atroiza pills (blue container,pink pill)

    Kindly help with clarity


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