Q and A


Can I take a vitamin booster?


I was diagnosed in April 2008 and been on meds since June 2008. Started with a CD4 of 250 which is now about 420 and undectectable viral load.

My combination is atazanavir, ritonavir and Truvada. I wanted to know if it is safe for me to use a vitamin booster which contains Vitamins C, B5, B6, B3, B1, B2, B9, B7, B12 and D and also has citrus bioflavonoids and green tea extract.

A friend (not with HIV) takes it (it is sold as a vitality booster) and he says it perks him up. I need perking up, but obviously don’t want to interact with my meds.

I know this sounds trivial, but it’s one of those things I can’t seem to find out anywhere.


It is perfectly fine to take it. All the best!


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