Q and A


How soon can I eat after taking Odimune?

I hear you say its advisable to take odimune (efavrienz+ FTC+ tenofovir) at bed time and its only taken on empty stomach, how long exactly should i stay away from food before taking it? The reason i am asking this is I can not starve the whole day before taking the tablet.


Saying that Odimune needs to be taken on an ’empty stomach’ doesn’t mean you need to starve yourself. It is fine to eat something before or when you take this, but you have to be careful to make sure this is not a high fat meal.

A high fat meal will increase levels of efavirenz and so you may get more side effects (mood changes, anxiety, disorientation or interrupted sleep etc). Food low in fat or with just a little fat, will be fine.

More about this is explained in this question: What happens if don’t take Atripla on an empty stomach?

Odimune is a generic version of Atripla which includes the same meds but is just made by a different company.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Respect,

    What are you taking? How long have you been on meds for?

  2. Respect

    After taking my pill i fell burning in the stomach plus my eyes become weak i cant see properly

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Jeanette,
    If you’re taking Odimune and you have an undetectable viral load this can dramatically reduce the risk of HIV to your baby. Also, if you’ve been undetectable for a while the risk to your partner if you don’t use condoms is zero.

    But you can talk to your doctor about this, and here’s more info on Undetectable = Untransmittable.

  4. Jeanette

    am also positive and my partner is neg
    etive and am pregnant.he always say if he can find that is hiv positive,he will kill himself.so am afraid to tell him about my status but we’re using condom nou,cause i tell him I have rush and my doctor say i mst use condom.i want to come clean but am afraid

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Jeanette,
    Odimune is best taken just before bedtime. If you’re going to bed early then switching to 19:30 is fine. HIV treatment such as Odimune is safe if you’re pregnant. Here’s the i-Base guide to HIV pregnancy and women’s health.

  6. Jeanette

    Hello I use to take my medication at 21:00so i need to change time to 19:30couse i sleep early this days.i am pregnant women,so it is safe?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Precious,

    Diarrhea is easily treated. Your brother should talk to his doctor, or ask a pharmacist for some medication for the diarrhea. If your brother is new to Odimune then its common that this happens.

  8. Precious

    My brother is taking odimune bt he have diarrhoe how can i help him

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Princess,
    Different people can get different side effects – some people can get no or few side effects – from HIV treatment. So it’s a good idea to make a note of any changes that you notice and talk to the doctor about them at your next visit.

  10. Princess

    Thanks for advising me I was about what should i do if my tummy become big


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