Q and A


Will diarrhoea stop my drugs from working?

I was diagnosed in 2005 and have been on antiretroviral meds ever since. My viral load is undetectable and my CD4 count is good. I also am carefull to adhere strictly to my meds.

On Saturday I had diarrhoea and phoned NHS Direct. I told them about my HIV and the meds I take and they advised me to eat normally and drink plenty of fluids. On Sunday and earlier today my diarrhoea cotinued, so I went to my HIV clinic and they prescribed some anti diarrhoea tablets which seem to be working.

However, I am concerned that the diarrhoea could have “washed” my antiretrovrals out
of my body. Is this likely ? Should I ask for a blood test ?



Thanks for your question and the information about how you were treated.

Having diarrhoea for just 1-2 days will not have had any changes on your viral load. This is because your viral load is a such a low level that even if your drugs were not absorbed properly, the time period is too short for this to have caused a problem.

You are right though that persistent diarrhoea can reduce absorption of some drugs. This would be the case if food is passing through your stomach so quickly that they is not enough time to be absorbed. This is only likely to occur if the diarrhoea is persistent.

It was good to call your clinic though and I hope you feel better soon.

Information about managing diarrhoea.


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