Q and A


Can a foreigner receive ARVs in the UK?

How much does it cost for an overseas student to get the HAART in UK (lamivudine+tenofovir+efavirenz)?

Is it legal to have medication sent from my origin country while in UK?


HiV testing, monitoring and treatment is free to anyone living in the UK.

This includes students who are coming to the UK to study.

There are lots of different treatments includes one that are very similar to your current combination. The UK clinic might also suggest new alternatives if this is appropriate.

This question was updated in February 2018 from an original post in February 2009.


  1. maikol

    Hello, I will be in London for about 6 months for an English course and I am HIV positive, I want to know if it is possible to have free access to my medication and what I need to do to obtain it, I also need to know how much medication I should have with me until I can receive the medication by the entities in London, that is, how long does it take from requesting until they are delivered to me, so I can know how much medication I should travel with. I am 21 years old. I would like to know if it is possible and how to do the process.

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Dimas,

    Where you access care will depend on where it is that you’re going to be living in the UK. A clinic finder can be found here: https://i-base.info/find-or-change-clinic/

  3. Dimas

    Who should I contact to get the treatment upon my arrival? I’ll be studying in the UK in 2022

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Fida,

    As the above post explains, ARVs are free for anyone who lives in the UK, this includes non UK nationals like yourself.
    HIV treatment in the UK is excellent and there are a lot of clinics in London. Once you know where you’re going to be living in the UK, you can find your nearest clinic throw the following link: https://i-base.info/find-or-change-clinic/

  5. Fida

    Hi Plz i need support i need some information
    One of my Relative is sponsering me to London and i Am positive and On ART for last 2 years if i will move to London and want to live for long time can i regrister my self there and can i get Free HIV treatment in london?

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lorre,

    Congratulations on this opportunity to study.

    1. There should be no issues with this.
    2. Yes.
    3. When you’re resident in the UK you’re entitled to free HIV treatment on the Natinal Health Service (NHS).

    Please ensure you bring enough ARVs with you to cover the time between arriving, signing on at an HIV clinic and getting treatment. Please bring a summary of your treatment to give to the clinic here.

  7. Lorre

    Hi, I am going to London next month to study a masters degree for a year. I am HIV+ and will bring ARV for three months with me.

    My questions are:
    1. Will I have an issue upon entering UK with 3 bottles of ARV with me?
    2. Can my sister send my ARVs (for 3months use) after i finished what I brought through mail from my country to london?
    3. Am i entitled to get ARV’s in UK instead whilst I am studying in London? If yes, what should I bring with me to avail?

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zelda,

    ARVs are free and available to everyone who lives in the UK. If you’re claiming asylum this would mean that you have an address. An address is all you need.

  9. Zelda

    Hi will i still get treatment while claiming asylum in uk

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zela,

    Yes you can travel to the UK with meds, this won’t be an issue.


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