
What is causing my diarrhoea?

I’m having problems with diarrhoea, and feeling bloated.

Is this a side effect from my HIV drugs?

I am worried that this will stop my medication from working.


Diarrhoea can be caused by many things.

  • It can be linked to HIV or a related infection – especially if you your CD4 count is less than 200.
  • It can be a side effect of HIV treatment (ART), though this is less common with modern drugs.
  • It can be a symptom of another medical complication, unrelated to HIV.

You are right to be concerned because severe diarriahea can be a serious symptom. Your doctor needs to find out the cause before deciding how to manage this problem.

Having diarrhoea for just 1-2 days is unlikely to cause any problems for your HIV treatment, especially if you have an undetectable viral load.

Moderate or severe diarrhoea can lead to dehydration, poor absorption of nutrients, weight loss and fatigue.

Persistent diarrhoea can also reduce absorption of some drugs. This would be the case if food were passing through your stomach so quickly that there is not enough time for it to be absorbed.

It is important that diarrhoea is managed properly by your doctor. The more information you can give the doctor the better. Record how often you get diarrhoea, how sever or watery it is, and how this affects your day-to-day life.

Although most HIV drugs list diarrhoea as a potential side effects, in 2016 this is generally rare and/or mild with modern HIV drugs.

Please see this link for more Information about managing diarrhoea.

Also, flatulence (wind), can sometimes be caused HIV meds including tenofovir. Tenofovir is found in truvada, Trustiva and Atripla drug combinations. If this  a problem then you need to discuss it with your doctor.

This answer was updated in January 2016 from a question first posted on 12 October 2012.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Phindy,

    This is something that you’re going to need to talk to your doctor about. They will be able to advise you what to do.

  2. Phindy

    Hi it’s been 4 months on Aluvia and lamivudine my cd4 was on 8 I’m experiencing a diarrhea once in the mornings I have lost a lot of weight how long will this diarrhea last

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Monica,

    Atrozia can be known to cause diarrhea when someone first starts it, this does however usually stop within a few weeks. If you’ve been having diarrhea since December it could be due to something other than the meds. I’d ask your doctor to run some tests.

  4. Monica

    Um taken Atroiza but de doctor give Adco-loperamide for diarrhea but it stops today.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Monica,

    What medication are you taking? What has your doctor given you for the diarrhea?

  6. Monica

    I started arvs since sep2017 but on 1 of december is when de diarrhoe started since now i did try to tell a doctor but nothing is helpin me

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Wendy,

    Is there any reason why you aren’t on meds?

    If you’ve had diarrhea for this length of time your doctor will need to investigate this. It not something tat we can help with.

  8. Wendy

    I have diarrhea which has lasted more than 5 weeks I’ve been to the Doctors but nothing helps what can I take to help me in hiv positive not on drugs

  9. Robin Jakob


    Diarrhea is listed as a side effect of most HIV medication, including Tribuss. It is important to report this symptom to your clinic or doctor. They can help you work out if it is caused by your medication or something else. You can find more information in the answer to the question above.

  10. phidelia

    Is it normal that when using tribuss i have diarrhea?


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