Q and A


I’m 5 months pregnant, should I start ARVs?

I tested positive this month and I’m 5 months pregnant.

My question is can I start ARVs soon to protect my baby? My CD4 count is 319


Thanks for your email.

I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. Finding out you have HIV is never easy, but finding out when you are pregnant can be very difficult. How are you coping?

Starting treatment now is a good idea for both your health, and for your baby. This is explained here in our pregnancy guide.

We have an frequently asked questions page about pregnancy. Please read through these questions, and let me know if you have anything you want to ask!


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Shally,

    Being diagnosed can be hard, this can be made harder when you’re also pregnant. Its a given that you’re going to be concerned about your child. However now that you know about your status, you can start to take control. The most important thing is that you start ARVs, not only will the ARVs help your health, they’ll also reduce the risk of transmission to your baby. There’s more about this here: http://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy

  2. Shally

    Im find that I’m 15 weeks pregnant and I tested HIV is positive …is my baby already affected or
    Im willing to start with treatment will the baby get help also?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lihle,

    It’s great that you’ve starting HIV treatment (ART), because that can help keep your baby HIV negative. Many HIV positive mothers all over the world have given birth to healthy HIV negative babies by taking ART.

    Please see this guide to HIV, pregnancy and women’s health.

  4. Lihle

    Hi i am 5 months pregnant i found out that i am hiv + and my cd4 is 977 i was hesitant about taking treatment but i thought i wouldnt want to give birth to a sick child wat are the chances of me transmitting the virus to the baby im scared but i take my arvs everyday

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Gugulethu,
    It’s great that you’re on ARVs. Many women all over the world have given birth to healthy HIV negative babies when on ARVs. Starting treatment is a good idea for both your health, and for your baby. This is explained here in our pregnancy guide HIV, pregnancy and women’s health.

  6. Gugulethu

    Hi I’m 4 months pregnant and on ARVs is there any other treatment I’m supposed to take to ensure that I deliver a healthy and HIV negative baby?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Moreen,

    Yes you can start taking Tribuss, in fact its very important that you do start ARVs. Its the ARVs that will help reduce the risk of transmission as well as control your HIV. Please see here for more info: http://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy

  8. Moreen

    I’m four months pregnant i tested positive can i start taking tribus my baby will be safe

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Renee,
    I’m sorry to hear about the problems you are having with your treatment. It is very important to take this everyday- both for your own health and to protect your baby. It’s not a good idea to try and break your tablets or dissolve them in water because this might affect the way that they work. If you are having severe morning sickness, and if you are really unable to take the tablet then it is important that you go back to your doctor or nurse for help.

  10. Renee

    If you are 20weeks pregnant and positive any still getting morning seekness and cant eat or even drink your arv what should you do with a low CD as 200 and

    and if the arv is tooooo big and strong what should you do cause i tried it in water,break it,all ways even make bread balls,what can i do ?cause the nurse said i have to take them it is the new arv


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