Q and A


My CD4 and viral load are stable, do I need treatment?

I have been HIV+ for about 4 years.

My CD4 count has constantly been between 350-400 but my viral load went from 7000 in 2009 to 650 in 2012.

I’m not taking any meds(ART) but I wonder if I should start?


Thanks for your email.

If your CD4 count is remaining stable and your viral load is low this suggests your body is controlling HIV well. But because you are based in the USA you could start treatment now if you wanted to. The USA guidelines suggest starting treatment when your CD4 count is under 500.

It’s unusual to have a stable CD4 count and low viral load for four years. If you don’t want to start treatment yet it’s important to keep being monitored so that you can react to any changes. It’s also a good idea to learn about treatment so that you are ready to start treatment if/ when you and your doctor decide this is needed. Our Introduction to combination therapy guide answers many of the questions people have about starting treatment.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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