Q and A


Are there HIV positive restrictions on travel to Dubai, Malaysia or Hong Kong?

I’m visiting Dubai, Malaysia and Hong Kong and I am wondering if it is safe to take my HIV medication with me?

I’m worried about being refused entry into one of these countries, should they find the pills in my suitcase.



You can get an official answer on entry restrictions to any country by contacting the appropriate embassy or consulate, or visiting their web site. If you are calling by phone, it is best not to give your name or say you are HIV-positive.

In practice, most people travel with their meds, sometimes in vitamin jars, and hope everything will be ok.

It can sometimes help to travel with a letter from your doctor, saying you are receiving medical care in the UK (not mentioning HIV), but that you are fit to travel. This might help if you are unlucky and get stopped by a customs officer.

I’m sorry this answer isn’t ideal but this is going to be a personal choice.

Some people decide on principle never to visit any country that has unfair entry criteria (including the US when those restrictions were still in place). Others decide they won’t let HIV stop them from doing everything they want in life, and decide that the relatively low risk of being questioned about meds is an acceptable risk to see other parts of the world (including the US).

This community site about HIV and travel lists statutory entry requirements for for most countries, but only includes the strict legal situation. Also check the information is up-to-date before relying on it.

Things can change over time. For example this site did not encourage visiting China when this question was first posted but this has now changed. This is because the Chinese policy changed to drop the entry bar to HIV positive people.

Even before this though, in practice, many thousands of HIV positive people probably visited these countries each year as tourists, travelling with their meds, without any problems.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Salvatore.

    Thank you for you comments. However, as the following states the UAE is not a welcoming country:


    Its great however to hear that you’ve never had any problems.

  2. salvatore r.

    hi to all the guys HIV who want to go to Dubai stop reading those crap answer on here , and let me tell you just relax and yes you can go no one search for your bag . Before i went to Dubai i have called 3 years ago and they told me it is fine to carry your meds with you . when u are there is so relaxed and nothing to worry about hope this help . If you want to can call the EMbassy and get the confirmation of what i just said

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Ruben, it is a shame that any country continues to discriminate against HIV positive people. Sounds like a good idea to spend your time in other places.

  4. Ruben

    What a shame Dubai bills itself as a tourist spot but yeah turns away tourist been planning to go there for many years now unfortunately going to have to go somewhere thats. a little more welcoming to positive people

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jennifer,

    Dubai is one of the few countries that has a very negative view about people who are positive as the following explains:


  6. Jennifer

    I am deeply worried because I recently got a job in Dubai but am Hiv positive and on medication. Is it possible to travel with my drugs and doctor’s report or will I be deported immediately. Am ready to be getting my medicines and also live a healthy life

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nobahle,

    Please see the above post.

    HIV meds cannot be imported into Dubai.

  8. nobahle

    hy I’m worried I found a job in Dubai my problem is how I can I get threament it is possible
    I’m hiv positive

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nosi,

    The UAE isn’t a very welcoming place for people who are positive as the following explains:


  10. Nosi

    I’m deeply worried. I recently got a teaching job in Dubai but my biggest worry is I’m HIV+ and on medication. My agency has sorted out my work visa. Will I be deported back to SA or allowed medication until my contract ends after 3 years because I can’t stay that long without my meds.
    Pls help out


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