Q and A


Could this be SJS?

I have recently just started treatment again (one month) but have noticed that I have developed quite a lot of mucus in the back throat and nose which is often dried up when I blow. I am also worried that I may be developing Steven Johnsons Syndrome as my lips seem to be getting dry, the outer lip seems to have dry skins. Could this be true or am I just stressing?


SJS is a rare condition, with a reported incidence of around one case per million people per year. It affects the skin in which cell death causes the epidermis to separate from the dermis.

It is usually a result of infections (i.e. herpes simplex, influenza, mumps, etc.), adverse effects of medicines (mainly antibiotics and sulfa drugs) and some malignancies.

The ARVs that may be more linked to SJS are etravirine and nevirapine, but possibly others too.

Having said all of that, not every dry lip or shall I say hardly any dry lip is SJS. The physical symptoms of the condition have more to do with rashes that worsen with time, rather than dry lips. As you are under stress though, perhaps it will be good to talk to your doctor or a nurse about it to alleviate your fears.

Hope this helps.


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