Q and A


What could be the reason for this sudden increase in my VL?


I am a 44 year old male, diagnosed in February 2006 with HIV wild type virus. At diagnosis, my VL was 9533 and my CD4 count was 555. I am not currently on any medication.

I have been re-tested roughly every 3 months since diagnosis and my VL has normally been between 8500 – 16000, with CD4 normally being between 555 – 750. I have been quite happy with this as I am led to believe that it shows my health is stable.

However, in January 2009, my tests results were CD4 590 / VL 99932. This concerned me as it is 5 times higher than my lowest previous result. I was retested in February 2009. My CD4 had risen to 680 and my VL had reduced to 49232. In march 2009, I was re-tested again and my CD4 was 725 and my VL was 22343.

I do not plan to get a re-test until June as my VL seems to have come down to near my previous levels.

My question is, after 3 years of relatively stable results, what could have been the likely/possible reason[s] for such a large VL increase, which has since reduced by half month on month and what does it mean for my prognosis?

My HIV doctor does not seem to have an answer for it. Is there anything I should be doing?

Thank you.


Firstly, do not worry much about this. At the moment, there isn’t much that can be done about this sudden increase in your VL. Your doctor will monitor your state closely and if necessary he/she will suggest a therapy.

Some of the reasons that can explain the increase are:

1. Other underlying infection

2. A mistake with the test.


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