Q and A


What is my chance to reverse lipo?

Hello! I`ve got lipodystrophy. What chances do I have to get my fat back at a combination truvada+kaletra? One year ago I was switched from Zerit to Truvada. Thank you for the answer!


Firstly, I have to say that I am a bit shocked that only a year ago somebody with lipodystrophy in the UK will be kept on Zerit. It has been known for years now that this is one of the worst medicine to provoke lipodystrophy.

Having said that, I do not exclude the chance that some people come from other countries with a certain combination that may have been switched here. Please let me know whether this is the case.

Switching d4T (Zerit) or AZT to either abacavir or tenofovir, or using other combinations of drugs, can reverse the fat lost in limbs. Reversing fat loss from the fat or buttocks appears to be more difficult, but this may be possible if you switch treatment at the first symptoms.

There may be a risk of viral load rebounding if you have resistance to other HIV drugs. Otherwise, switching is very safe.

Any reversal of the fat loss is likely to take at least six months to become noticeable. These symptoms developed slowly and if they are going to reverse this will also take time.

In studies where people switched to abacavir, the return of small amounts of leg fat (+ 0.3kg) was detected by scans at 6 months. It took about two years (+1.3kg) before these patients noticed a difference themselves.

There is more information here.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Catherine, what is the name of the ART you are taking? when did you first notice that your butt and hips are skinny?

    What have you tried to regain your original shape? and is this something you have spoken with a doctor about before?

    Weight/body changes can unfortunately be a common side effect of treatment, more commonly with older HIV drugs that are less used nowadays. Have you always remained on the same treatment that you had started 14 years ago?

    Weight changes can be caused by a number of things. Has anything else in your life changed that could have caused this e.g., eating less, doing more activity, more stress etc…?

    Regaining weight can be difficult depending on what caused it. Often it is recommended to attempt building muscle in the sites that you have lost weight through targeted exercises. You would be able to discuss this with your doctor and/or physio. Depending on where else weight has been lost, injectables can also be offered to recover a fuller appearance. #

    More information about lipodystrophy and how to manage it can be found here: https://i-base.info/guides/side/fat-loss-lipoatrophy

  2. Catherine

    Hi my name is Catherine, I am on ART Drugs for 14 years and my butt and hip is so skinny and I feel really bad as I don’t look good with clothes. My hands and thighs has alot of veins showing making me feel so embarrassed to show off so I have long pants and sleeves all the time. Please can anyone help introduce a treatment that actually worked so I can reverse it to my original shape?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Grace, how much weight have you lost? and how long have you been using this medication? TLD is more commonly linked with weight gain rather than loss. This is why it is a preferred treatment. Have you been on different HIV medication before? Drugs like stavudine and zidovudine are known to cause problems with weight loss. As your doctor has mentioned, has anything changed in your behaviour recently that could lead to weight loss e.g., more exercise/eating less?

  4. Grace

    I am on Dolutegravir 50mg,lamivudine300mg and Tenofovir Disoproxil fumarate 300 MG tablets, but my face is still loosing fat ,veins are showing in my legs, my hips are gone,Then I talked to my doctor he said the drugs are okay but maybe am doing some behavior which makes my body changes and I don’t know what could be the behavior, so is there any drugs I can change to?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Moza,

    The medication that your sister is now taking is known to cause weight gain, so yes, there’s a possibility that she might put weight on.

  6. Moza

    My sister has been on stocrin and combivir for 15 years and lost fats on legs arms and face. She just switched to dolutegravir and tenofovir, is there any chance that she can accumulate fats in arms and legs?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Joyce,

    I’m sorry to hear this.

    But what does the doctor say? Please see this lipodystrophy section in the guide to HIV and your quality of life.

    What HIV meds are you taking? And if you have access to your CD4 count and viral load results please let us know these too.

  8. Joyce

    I joyce 48 years i also need help
    Suffering with self esteem please help this lipodystrophy

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Segomotso,

    This is something that you’ll need to discuss with your doctor. They may be able to suggest something.

  10. Segomotso

    I been on ARV for the past 13years .I stated treatment when I was pregnant the child is fine .I started with Kalitra and satavodine .I stated losing a lot of whight ,it went on for about 4 years of which they took out Kalitra after I gave birth and continued with stavodine .In 2011 I was then changed to abbercaver then I started seeing changes but it took about 2-3years before I could gain weight .In 2014 I got a bilateral Brest reduction .In 2015 I started with Atrozia or Odimmune,now my problem is that I can’t seem to have any changes on my Lowe body which was mostly affected .My CD 4count is 689 viral load is 126 is going down because in 2018 it was around 350.Please help this uneven fat distribution is affecting my self esteem


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