Q and A


Shall I start treatment?

Hi, I was just wondering if you guide me further.
I recently got diagnosed with HIV in April and had 2 blood tests to date.

The first test: my CD4 count was 309 and viral load 226,000. The second test: my CD4 was 250 and viral load 1.5 Million plus.
Do I need to consider starting treatment? If so, how soon? (Based on if my viral load keeps rising and CD4 count decreasing).

Also, if I was to start treatment, what is the most likely first treatment that would be considered? Does it consist of have a combination of PIs, NNRTIs, nukes?

I'm a bit confused with all these different types of medications.


This will depend on when you were infected. If you were infected recently (shortly before the test), then this means that you are still in the phase of primary infection, which is characterised with a very high viral load and low CD4 count. Usually, the immune system fights back and results improve on their own. A very close monitoring is necessary though.

However, if you have been infected for a long time, and discovered this only recently, then:

The current recommendations are to start therapy when your CD4 count is between 350-200, but nearer 350. This means that you are in position to start and should start considering it seriously. It is, however, better to be psychologically prepared for that, instead of rushing it. The sooner you do that, the better though. Your viral load results are high too and some doctors think that this is an additional reason to start treatment.

As for what will you have to start on, here is some detailed information on the options, as well as on different aspects of starting treatment.


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