Q and A


Should I stop taking Simvastatin?

I am a 54 year old male, HIV +ve for 9 years, my medications since beginning treatment are Abacavir/Lamivudine 600mg/300mg and Nevirapine 400mg once a day.

I have been pestered by my consultant about taking a statin – my last cholesterol check was 6.5.

I started taking Simvastatin 40 mg approx. 5 weeks ago and have never felt so tired and have aching joints to the point that I can’t be bothered going to the gym.

I read a report recently that Simvastatin was contraindicated with all protease inhibitors, is this true?, I don’t see my consultant for another 5 months and don’t want to keep taking the meds if they are going to do any harm.



Thank-you for your email.

Simvastatin is contraindicated with all protease inhibitors, but none of the ARVs you are taking are protease inhibitors. Abacavir and lamivudine are both ‘nukes’ or nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Nevirapine is a ‘non-nuke’. You can see the different drug classes in our drugs chart.

Simvastatin can have an interaction with nevirapine which requires a dose change of simvastatin. Your doctor should have taken this into account when deciding on the dose of statin you were given.

If you are having difficult side effects do contact your GP or consultant though to discuss this.


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