Q and A


My CD4 is 500, VL is 1000, is that bad?

My CD4 is 500 and viral load 1000, should I be worried?



Thank-you for your email. Can I ask if you have just been diagnosed with HIV? If you have, how are you coping?

Both of your test results are very good.

A ‘normal’ CD4 count for somebody who is HIV negative is between 400-600. In the UK HIV treatment isn’t recommended until your CD4 count is 350 or below. This is because while your CD4 count is above 350 your immune system is still strong, and you are very unlikely to become ill because of HIV.

Your viral load is quite low, which is good. The viral load isn’t such an important test result unless you are on treatment already.If you are not on treatment then the viral load result is not usually used to make any treatment decisions. The exception would be if your viral load was 100,000 or above, which can be a reason to start treatment.

If you are on treatment the aim is to reach a viral load of less than 50. This is usually achieved within 3-6 months of starting treatment.

For more information about CD4 count and viral load please see our Introduction to combination therapy.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nomvo.

    A viral load of 40 is excellent, this means that your HIV is under control and you’re undetectable. What was your CD4 before you started treatment? How long have you been on it for?

  2. Nomvo

    My CD 4 counts is 320 and Viral load is<40 is this OK

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Trevor,
    Yes, that’s right. Anything under 50 is undetectable.

  4. Trevor

    Hi. My VL is lower than 30, is this undetectable?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mary,

    Are you on treatment? If you are then you’re doing really well. A viral load of 20 means that you’re undetectable, so your HIV is under control and when having sex without a condom you cannot transmit.

    A CD4 of 246 is still low, however with treatment this will rise. What was your CD4 when you were diagnosed?

  6. Mary

    my viral load is 20, and my cd4 counts is 246. Is there any problem

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sam,

    Are you newly diagnosed? Are you on treatment? If you are, how long have you been on meds for?

  8. Sam

    Hi I’m positive and my viral load is 2514 I’m scared is this good or bad

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Junior, It’s great that you’ve started treatment and your CD4 count is strong. Treatment starts to work quickly. Viral load is usually reduced by 90% within the first few days. It then continues to fall, but not as quickly, until it becomes undetectable. See this question on how quickly viral load drops on treatment for more info.

  10. Junior

    Hi my viral load its 140 000 and cd4 count is 600 and it’s my 1st month in treatment.. and my doctor prescribed for me trivenz.. how long will it take for me to be undetected?? Or my viral load to drop!! Worried


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