Q and A


Why has my CD4 stopped increasing?

I was diagnosed two years ago when I was very ill, CD4 of 17.

My last several readings 3-4 months apart have been 170, 194, 208, 228, 237 does this mean that I am reaching a plateau and my CD4 won’t improve much more?

My VL remains undetectable. Does this have implications for long term health? Would a change of regimen make any difference?



Thanks for your email. It sounds like you have had a very good response to treatment. An increase from 17- 237 is very good.

CD4 count responses are very individual but generally if you start treatment with a very low CD4 count it is less likely that you will see this increase to ‘normal’ levels (500 or so).  This doesn’t mean it is impossible, just that it is less likely.

Your CD4 count may not increase much further, but only time will tell. Don’t get to hung up on the numbers. If you take your medication correctly and consistently you should not experience HIV-related illnesses in the future.

If your CD4 count doesn’t increase a change of treatment can sometimes help this, although this is very individual. This is something you should discuss with your doctor if you want to try a different combination. So long as you don’t have any drug resistance changing treatment is usually very straightforward and you can go back to the drugs you were taking before if you don’t see an improvement.

For more information about average CD4 increases please see our Introduction to combination therapy.


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