
There was a stock out of ARVs, what is the risk?

I am on Odimune (Atripla) since 2012 June. My CD4 was 350 and viral load was 18000. In January 2013 CD4 was 450 and viral load less than 50.

I had to skip my treatment for two weeks because of delays in posting of my medication is this going to have a negative impact on my CD4 and viral load?



I’m sorry to hear that you missed a few doses of Odimune because of stock problems. Has your clinic resolved this to prevent this happening again? Unfortunately this problem is far too common in South Africa. The Treatment Action Campaign are campaigning to improve this – you may want to get in touch with them for information about this, and what to do if this happens again.

It’s difficult to say whether or not this will have a negative impact on your treatment. Missing doses increases the risk of developing drug resistance, which would mean you would need to change treatment. The risk is probably lower if you stopped suddenly for two weeks and restarted, and higher if you try to spread your meds out to cover this period. But a lot of this is unfortunately down to luck. When you missed doses your viral load will have gone up, and it’s possible during this time that you may have developed resitance. The actual risk is probably quite low from a once-off, but the only way to know will be to monitor your viral load and make sure this stays below 50 and doesn’t go back up. See this link for more information about missed doses and drug resistance.

Make sure your doctor knows about these missed doses, and ask him/her to check your viral load now that you are back on treatment to make sure this is being kept down.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lucky,

    There’s only a risk if your wives viral load has rebounded. As it usually takes 7 days to rebound you should be OK. However, it may be worth having a test. Is there any reason why your wife has missed 4 days of meds?

  2. Lucky

    Hi doctor
    My wife is hiv positive my self i’ hiv negative
    she have been on treatment for one year now” always we use condoms
    But she missing dose for four days problem is when we do sex condom was burst during sex and i’was continue to sex without knowing if there is no worring is can i’get infection coz she wasn’t on treatment for four days..there is a risk or?? Plz answer my post.

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Silindile,

    I’m sorry to hear this. But please let us know what country you live in. There could be local organisations and HIV treatment advocates that can help.

    Please tell us what ARVs you are taking. And if you have access to your viral load and CD4 count results, please tell us what they are.

  4. silindile

    I missed treatment for 3 days I only have 5 months on ARVs

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Thuli,

    I’m sorry to here this story. Was there a stock out of the first line ARVs?

    But it’s good to hear that your brothers daughter is back on HIV treatment. What are the names of her new ARVs. Side effects can be different for different people.

    Please let us know what they are. And if you have access to her viral load and CD4 count results please tell us about those too.

    If the side effects are bad it’s possible that she can ask if there are other HIV meds that would be better for her to take.

    Please let us know how the treatment goes.

    Best wishes.

  6. Thuli

    Hi There
    Please help my brothers daughter default her ARVs an we were not aware that she’s on treatment until she had a very bad skin rash and she could swallow anything cause her throat was painful. I decided to take her to my nearest clinic for check up (blood test) cause i suspected that she’s HIV. Now she’s on treatment regimen (two). She already started the treatment, but now she’s vomiting and having running tummy. My question how long it going to take. What are the side effects of regimen (two)

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Xoliswa,

    Accidents happen to all of us.

    But yes, it’s important to continue taking your meds. You can explain to the clinic that you forgot to take them. They might want to do more blood tests to check that the meds are still working well.

    What meds are you taking? And if you have access to your viral load and CD4 count, please let us know.

    If you live in South Africa you can contact the Treatment Action Campaign at this contact link. They can give local support.

  8. Xoliswa

    I forgot my medicine at home it’s been two weeks now I didn’t take it now am afraid

    I must continue to take it?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Faith,

    Even if you’re really busy, it’s important that you take your meds, and at roughly the same time every day. Are you able to take them just before you go to work, or when you get home?
    Missing meds isn’t advised, though it can happen. If you’ve missed meds for 3 days this isn’t ideal. You should however still be OK as it takes a week before your viral load rebounds. So yes, continue taking them.

  10. Faith


    I recently found out that I am HIV positive and started my medication but sometimes I forget to take my pill cause of working late in retail hours and now it’s holiday season which makes me more busier. Does the 3 days that I’ve missed mean go back to the doctor or can I just continue the treatment and do monthly check ups.


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