Q and A


Should I stay with my HIV+ husband?

Please is it advisable to continue in a marriage where my husband is HIV positive but I am negative?

I just had a baby and my family wants to have my marriage dissolved because we cannot consummate the marriage as I don’t believe the condom is safe enough for the prevention of HIV.

Also advise, my infected husband doesn’t take recommended treatments saying it kills a person silently.

Please, what do I do? I am in a dilemma



I can’t tell you what to do about your relationship. But it is important that you and your husband teach yourselves about HIV.

Condoms are very effective at preventing HIV infection. You can read about this, and other issues about HIV transmission in our online guide.

If your husband’s doctor has recommended he needs treatment because his CD4 count (the measure of his immune system) is low then his health will be at risk if he avoids treatment. It’s normal to feel worried about taking HIV treatment. But HIV drugs today are much easier to take and have fewer side effects than in the past. HIV treatment can allow people to have a life expectancy similar to somebody without HIV. You can both learn more about this in our Introduction to combination therapy guide.


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