Q and A


Questions about Tribuss

I was diagnosed with HIV in January 2013 during regular HIV testing. My CD4 count was 91 and my GP put me straight on Tribuss.

I’ve never been sick of any illness since July 2012. I’d like to know about Tribuss. What do I do if I forgot to take the pill and remember only the next day?

I have also been given Trixazole (Bactrim). Should I take the pill as well?

And what mult-vitamins will be good for me?



I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis but I’m glad to hear how well you are feeling. Do you have any support to deal with finding out you have HIV?

Tribuss is a combination pill which contains three antiretrovirals (ARVs). These are efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir. This is a very widely used combination for treating HIV. Tribuss is a generic version of Atripla. Other generic versions include Trustiva, Tribuss or Odimune. You can read general information about this drug on our HIV meds page.

If you realise you have missed a dose, take it as soon as you remember. BUT, if you only realise when you’re going to take your next dose, do not take a double dose.

Bactrim/Trixazole are antibiotics which your doctor has given to make it less likely that you will get ill with infections like pneumonia. These are recommended for anybody with a CD4 under 200 and it’s important that you keep taking these. In some countries it is recommended to continue taking these antibiotics as long as your CD4 count is still below 350.

Multi-vitamins don’t treat HIV. Unless you have a vitamin deficiency there is unlikely to be any benefit from taking a multivitamin and they are essentially a waste of money. You are better off spending your money on a healthy diet which will do more to keep your body strong than a multivitamin.


  1. Robin Jakob

    Thank you for this!

  2. Robin Jakob

    It sounds like you are doing well. If the head spinning gets to much you should let your doctor or clinic know about it.

  3. josphina

    I felt so weak for some months, i was told that im positive and i should take tribuss well i have for a month now and i feel much stronger although sometimes my head feels like it’s spinning but otherwise im fine

  4. Robin Jakob

    This can happen with Tribuss. The rash should eventually disappear. If it does not it is important to speak with your clinic or doctor. They can help you work out if it is caused by your medication or by something else.

  5. zikhona

    I’ve taking trisbuss for 1week and I have rash what can I do?

  6. Robin Jakob

    Taking Tribuss should not affect your chances of becoming pregnant. It does not work as a contraceptive.
    You can find lots of information on HIV and getting pregnant here:

  7. p. ngcobo

    I would like to know what are the chances of getting pregnant if you are using Tribuss or infertility .

  8. Robin Jakob

    This question is answered here:http://i-base.info/qa/9002

  9. thembi

    I would like to find out if Tribuss and Odimune are the same pill, because i was on Odimune and now i changed to Tribuss am afraid it will affect me.

  10. Robin Jakob


    I have not heard about hearing loss being a side effect of Tribuss. If you are experiencing symptoms you should tell your clinic or doctor about them. They can help you work out what is causing them.

    You can find more information about Tribuss here:


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