Q and A


Questions about Tribuss

I was diagnosed with HIV in January 2013 during regular HIV testing. My CD4 count was 91 and my GP put me straight on Tribuss.

I’ve never been sick of any illness since July 2012. I’d like to know about Tribuss. What do I do if I forgot to take the pill and remember only the next day?

I have also been given Trixazole (Bactrim). Should I take the pill as well?

And what mult-vitamins will be good for me?



I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis but I’m glad to hear how well you are feeling. Do you have any support to deal with finding out you have HIV?

Tribuss is a combination pill which contains three antiretrovirals (ARVs). These are efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir. This is a very widely used combination for treating HIV. Tribuss is a generic version of Atripla. Other generic versions include Trustiva, Tribuss or Odimune. You can read general information about this drug on our HIV meds page.

If you realise you have missed a dose, take it as soon as you remember. BUT, if you only realise when you’re going to take your next dose, do not take a double dose.

Bactrim/Trixazole are antibiotics which your doctor has given to make it less likely that you will get ill with infections like pneumonia. These are recommended for anybody with a CD4 under 200 and it’s important that you keep taking these. In some countries it is recommended to continue taking these antibiotics as long as your CD4 count is still below 350.

Multi-vitamins don’t treat HIV. Unless you have a vitamin deficiency there is unlikely to be any benefit from taking a multivitamin and they are essentially a waste of money. You are better off spending your money on a healthy diet which will do more to keep your body strong than a multivitamin.


  1. Rehana

    Hi I just found out that I’m HIV positive my cd4 is 324 ,if I use those tribuss pills that can protect my husband he is negative please help me

  2. Simon Collins

    Hi Itumeleng, without more details it is difficult to comment, but sometimes HIV meds cause body changes. Have you spoke to your doctor about this? Your doctor wan talk about normal weight gains and how different this is from your own weight.
    This link has more details:

  3. Itumeleng

    Am on tribuss treatment does this pill help gain my weight

  4. Simon Collins

    Hi Bulelwa

    Pleas contact the clinic or pharmacist straight away. This sounds like it could be a mistake. The dose is more likely to be “2 pills every 1 day“. It is important that you check this today before taking any more pills. I am not a doctor and there might be reasons for a strange dose but this does not sound right and sometimes mistakes can happen.

  5. bulelwa

    Hi I have a question my husband has been given Trixazole at clinic in this pack the dosage say he must take 2 pills in every 1hours. So does this mean he must take them day and nite to complete the course thanks . Bulelwa from Cape Town

  6. Simon Collins

    Hi Nonkululeko, this is something that you need to talk to your doctor about. Any skin reaction needs to be seen by a doctor who can decide how serious it is. The blood clotting has not been reported as a side effect but please ask your doctor about this too.

  7. Nonkululeko

    Hi iam suspecting that tribuss giving me a skin problem ive got pus pimples and iam also clotting to much during my menstruation period

  8. Simon Collins

    Hi Yoliswa.

    Feeling dizzy is a side effect of efavirenz, which is in Tribuss. I don’t understand the last part of your sentence. Do you mean you only took one tablet or that you take the tablet at the same time each day? This link has more information about side effects. Usually they get better but if not you can ask your doctor for other choices.

    More details about efavirenz side effects:

  9. yoliswa

    Tribuss are making me dizzy although I’m using one time to take them

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Priscilla, We are not doctors but we give HIV treatment information.

    So it’s important that you talk to your doctor about your symptoms. Warfarin is used to reduce blood clotting and thrombosis. And, although there is very low quality evidence, there could be an interaction between one of the drugs in Tribuss (Efavirenz) and Warfarin. Your doctor might recommend a dose adjustment for your treatment.

    It’s important that you see the doctor as soon as you can.


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