Q and A


Questions about Tribuss

I was diagnosed with HIV in January 2013 during regular HIV testing. My CD4 count was 91 and my GP put me straight on Tribuss.

I’ve never been sick of any illness since July 2012. I’d like to know about Tribuss. What do I do if I forgot to take the pill and remember only the next day?

I have also been given Trixazole (Bactrim). Should I take the pill as well?

And what mult-vitamins will be good for me?



I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis but I’m glad to hear how well you are feeling. Do you have any support to deal with finding out you have HIV?

Tribuss is a combination pill which contains three antiretrovirals (ARVs). These are efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir. This is a very widely used combination for treating HIV. Tribuss is a generic version of Atripla. Other generic versions include Trustiva, Tribuss or Odimune. You can read general information about this drug on our HIV meds page.

If you realise you have missed a dose, take it as soon as you remember. BUT, if you only realise when you’re going to take your next dose, do not take a double dose.

Bactrim/Trixazole are antibiotics which your doctor has given to make it less likely that you will get ill with infections like pneumonia. These are recommended for anybody with a CD4 under 200 and it’s important that you keep taking these. In some countries it is recommended to continue taking these antibiotics as long as your CD4 count is still below 350.

Multi-vitamins don’t treat HIV. Unless you have a vitamin deficiency there is unlikely to be any benefit from taking a multivitamin and they are essentially a waste of money. You are better off spending your money on a healthy diet which will do more to keep your body strong than a multivitamin.


  1. Muhle

    I’ve been on tribuss for a month. My skin is well and I am not having nightmares but I have a continuous headache. Its been a week.

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Mr T, Everyone is difference so there’s not a right time to gain weight on HIV meds. But you can gain weight by eating more calories. Here’s info about having a balanced diet.

  3. Mr T

    Hi when is the right time to gain weight again if you using tribuss

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Eva, Tribuss and Atenef contain the same HIV meds. The name is different because they are made by a different company. But if you have any symptom such as a rash, it’s important to ask your doctor to look at it.

  5. Eva

    Hi I started my HIV meds last year may & last month the doctor changed my usual meds & gave me tribuss my body stated to have rush on my back, is this because of tribuss? Was using Atenef

  6. Roy Trevelion

    It can be difficult to get into a routine when you’re just starting to take HIV meds. But missing one dose is unlikely to cause resistance.
    Here are some tips on taking your meds on time.

  7. B

    I miss a dose on day 6 of taking tribuss and on day 7 i changed time so am i in danger of resistance?

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Joyce,

    The main drug in Tribuss is efavirenz. And there can be potential inteaction with warfarin. Can you ask your GP to change warfarin for a different drug for your heart? Or perhaps you could ask to change from efavirenz to another HIV drug. Dolutegravir, for example, doesn’t have this potential drug interaction. Is this available where you live, and is it suitable for you as an individual?

  9. Joyce

    I am taking tributes since last year February and I had complications,I had tb and I was also diagnosed with cardiomyopathy my problem is my legs,I can’t sit and stand up immediately and i can’t go up the stairs I have to balance with something. when I asked my gp he said if I am taking warfarin I can’t take any medication so I want to know this problem that I am having is it maybe the two pills can’t be taken together.

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Karabo,

    What treatment were you taking before you the Tribuss? Do you know why your doctor has changed your treatment? How long have you now been taking Tribuss for? If you could get back to us that would help.


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