Q and A


Questions about Tribuss

I was diagnosed with HIV in January 2013 during regular HIV testing. My CD4 count was 91 and my GP put me straight on Tribuss.

I’ve never been sick of any illness since July 2012. I’d like to know about Tribuss. What do I do if I forgot to take the pill and remember only the next day?

I have also been given Trixazole (Bactrim). Should I take the pill as well?

And what mult-vitamins will be good for me?



I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis but I’m glad to hear how well you are feeling. Do you have any support to deal with finding out you have HIV?

Tribuss is a combination pill which contains three antiretrovirals (ARVs). These are efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir. This is a very widely used combination for treating HIV. Tribuss is a generic version of Atripla. Other generic versions include Trustiva, Tribuss or Odimune. You can read general information about this drug on our HIV meds page.

If you realise you have missed a dose, take it as soon as you remember. BUT, if you only realise when you’re going to take your next dose, do not take a double dose.

Bactrim/Trixazole are antibiotics which your doctor has given to make it less likely that you will get ill with infections like pneumonia. These are recommended for anybody with a CD4 under 200 and it’s important that you keep taking these. In some countries it is recommended to continue taking these antibiotics as long as your CD4 count is still below 350.

Multi-vitamins don’t treat HIV. Unless you have a vitamin deficiency there is unlikely to be any benefit from taking a multivitamin and they are essentially a waste of money. You are better off spending your money on a healthy diet which will do more to keep your body strong than a multivitamin.


  1. sthembile

    TribuSs has has made me to hav cramps on my both legs is there anything that can help me pls help me gud ppl

  2. Mercy

    Thanks you Simon for your response, I am so glad with your suggestion and I will try to work out with this matter.

  3. Simon Collins

    Thanks Chris, but 11 pm is still a good time to take Tribuss. The main thing is to be asleep when the meds reach the highest levels in your body. This is usually after about an hour and this lasts for a couple of hours. If you take Trubuss more than an hour or two before you go to bed, you risk getting side effects while you are still awake.

  4. chris

    Sindi 11 pm is late dear, the earlier you take the better as it has side effects. I prefer you take it at 6 pm before bed time so you will be strong the next day.

  5. Simon Collins

    Tribuss is a generic version of Atripla, which needs to be prescribed by a doctor in the UK and the US – and in most other countries.

    Missing a dose of HIV meds occasionally is likely to be fine, especially with Trubuss as this has good drug levels into the next day. However, missing a few days has a higher risk of developing drug resistance.

    In this case, it would be better to contact a health provider for an emergency supply so you don’t miss any doses.

  6. enon

    I have noticed that I will not be able to have Tribuss for five days. Can I get this over-the-counter or should I call the medical aid for emergency script for the five days?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Minki, it sounds like you are doing lots of good things to look after your health. It is important to talk to your doctor about the weight loss though as this may be caused by something else. Without knowing your usually weight and height it is difficult to know how significant the change is. However, 20 kg sounds like a lot, especially as most people tend to put on a little weight during the first six months on treatment.

  8. Minki

    Hi, I started using Tribuss about 6 months ago, in May 2013, as my CD4 count was 250 and I developed Shingles. But I am losing weight and I saw a nutritionalist who advise me to eat healthy. I have a healthy appetite and eat three full meals a day plus snack on fruit inbetween but I have lost approximately 20 kg. I am concerned because I do not want to leave my ARV but I do not have a partner. I do not have pain anywhere in my body and I am very energetic. Please advise.

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Sindi

    If it is better for you to take Tribuss at 8 pm, then changing from 11 pm is easy and safe for both you and your baby.

    Usually Tribuss is taken just before bedtime. This is so you are asleep when the risk of side effects is higher. If you want to sleep earlier though, it is fine to take it earlier.

    Remember not to take Tribuss with a high fat meal as this will increase the risk of side effects.

    Good luck with your pregnancy.

  10. Sindi

    I am 8 months pregnant and taking my Tribuss at 11 pm everyday. Is it possible for me to change to 8 pm or it will a risk to my unborn baby?


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